Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:02 am
Global Organization for Human Right Conference

In this scam you will be invited to attend a conference, ironically it is a conference to promote world peace and feed the hungry, a very worthwhile cause except in this case it is Senegalese criminals stealing money from whoever will send it from around the world, the money they steal will not be used to feed the hungry, it will be used to allow these criminals to live the highlife as there will be no conference.

This is an elaborate scam involving many aliases and many different fees, it seems the scammers have gone to a lot of trouble in setting up a variety of aliases and fake sites.

Following is the correspondence for this scam

First comes the invitation;
Isabel Cole <[email protected]> 10/17/2009 5:56 AM


Dear friend

I am Miss. Isabel Cole, a member of the Global Organization for Human Right (G.O.F.H.R) Washington D.C (U.S.A), and also a staff of the International Committee of Red Cross. We are organizing a global combined conference on Racism and the benefit of Human Right in the United States of America and Dakar Senegal West Africa. It is my pleasure to invite you to participate in this global combined international conference, taking place from 16th to 21st November 2009 at Washington D.C in the United States of America and in Dakar – Senegal West Africa from 23rd to 28th November 2009.

In our quest to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of e-mails on the Google web site as a means of contacting people and organizations As a result; I picked your e-mail from an N.G.O website. If you know you are interested to participate as an individual or want to represent your country or organization, you may contact the conference secretary general of the organizing committee for details and information’s regarding registration for the international conference.

Inform them that you were invited to participate by a friend of yours (Miss. Isabel Cole) who is a staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross and also a member of Global Organization for Human Right (G.O.F.H.R) in Washington D.C (U.S.A), I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event and also I believe this will help you acquire a lot of knowledge dealing with life.

The benevolent donors from across the world and the Global Organizing Committee will provide air round trip tickets, accommodation and visa processing for all registered participants for the period of Staying in the United States, If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter into the United States, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the organizing committee is responsible for all visa arrangements and travelling assistance.

Below is the contact address of the conference secretariat. By email:
[email protected]

For any assistance you can contact me on this email:
[email protected]

Yours Sincerely
Miss Isabel Cole

U.S. Copyright Office

101 Independence Ave. S.E.

Washington, D.C. 20559-6000

(202) 707-3000

Copyright © 2009 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be legally privileged and are solely for the individual or entity to which they are
addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please delete this message and any attachment files. E. & O. E. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Note the disclaimer at the bottom is in the hope that you will not tell others about this conference as other people you tell may alert you that it is a scam

The next email is to go over some of the finer points and details, this email is designed to make the scam look more credible

"Secretary G.O.F.H.R" <[email protected]>
Dear Participant,

You are welcome to participate(s) in this International conference. Which will be held from 16th – 21st November 2009 at Walter E. Washington Convention Centre, Washington D.C U.S.A and from 23rd – 28th November 2009 at Meridien President central Hall, Dakar Senegal West Africa, We are welcoming you to participate in this forth coming international conference.

You may take the opportunity to participate in this International conference. The theme of the forth coming International Conference is to equip participants with the strategies and policies to fight against Racism & Human Right Abuse. These events are being Organized and sponsored by the Global Organization for Human Right (G.O.F.H.R) in collaboration with other benevolent organizations in the United States of America.

All Interested participant for the forth coming International Conference should send the following information’s ASAP to the conference registration desk via:
Email: [email protected]
TEL: +1-516-303-0039

(1) Names as in passport :
(2) Passport Number :
(3) Date of Birth :
(4) Place of Birth :
(5) Country of Residence :
(6) Occupation :
(7) Organization Name, if any :
(8) P.O.box :
(9) Telephone :
(10) Fax :

Any group representing a country or organization should not be less than two(2) or more than five (5) persons to participate together as a group to represent their Country or organization in the forth coming events and none of them should be less than eighteen (18) years of age and delegates must participate in both Conferences. There are translators at the conference venue to translate for those who don’t speak English.

Note: It is not necessary that one must belong to an organization to be eligible to attend this event, he or she can also participate as an individual if he or she is not capable to form a group to represent a Country or organization, all registered delegate are to attend the both conference for they are of two different topics which is Racism and Benefit of Human Right.

*Secondly*, delegates will only be responsible for their own hotel booking in Dakar Senegal Africa where the second phase of the event will be held, which is to prove that delegates will attend the both phases of the conference and will not remain here in the United states after the
First phase of the conference, delegate that has valid visa to the United States, still needs to be registered for the conference purpose.

All registered participants are entitled to air round trip tickets, meals and accommodation which will be provided during their stay in the United States of America, and also note: All participants will be provided with all documents for this event one week after they have been registered for the workshop.

For more details about the conference and the organization visit our website: www.globalorganization.4-all.org

Mrs Juliana Alexander

(G.O.F.H.R Secretariat)

Global Organization for Human Right

Washington D.C

U.S. Copyright Office
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20559-6000
(202) 707-3000
Copyright © 2009 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be legally privileged and are solely for the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please delete this message and any attachment files. E. & O. E. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The details asked for are standard details requested by scammers and are simple to reinforce that this is a legitimate transaction.

Prior to giving anybody details like these ones requested in this email, you should do a lot of searching and investigation to satisfy yourself it is legitimate

The website included (www.globalorganization.4-all.org ) will require further investigation, Scammers will often use real websites, people or events to make their scams look more authentic

by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:27 am
This email is to further promote legitimacy, hoping to answer any questions and reinforce how real they are.

It also included 3 documents in word format that i have included below

It will also reinforce how urgently you need to respond by putting dead lines on the deal, these deadlines are there simply to give you no time to think and hopefull cause their victims to send money without making any checks

From: Registrar G.O.F.H.R <[email protected]>
Dear Applicant,

We thank you for your interest to join hands with us to wage a global war on racism and the benefits of human right. We are working day and night to make these events a success. I wish to inform you that you have been duly registered to participate in this forth-coming international conference.

Endeavor to furnish us with your forms duly filled and your hotel booking confirmation receipt before the deadline date and you should carefully follow the instructions of any of the selected hotel managements.

You are advised to download the following attachments forms to view your registration file. Contact any of the selected hotel managements in Dakar-Senegal to book rooms for yourself, and furnish us with your registration forms duly filled by you, as you have to print it out, fill it accordingly then scan and send it back to us as an E-mail attachment, together with your hotel booking confirmation receipt not later than 22nd of October 2009, to enable us send you an invitation letter and to forward the "B2/B1 Visa" support approval to the Consulate General (Visa section) of the Embassy of the United States of America in your country of residence for same day visa authorization. And failing to submit the requested document before the deadline date, your registration file will be canceled.

We advise you to contact any of the hotels whose contact is given below and reserve your room with them.
Hotel TERANGA, Rue 85 Sedar Seghor, Dakar - Senegal
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +221- 776-293-938.

King's Cult Royal Hotel, BP 8695, Dakar-Senegal
EMAIL: [email protected]
Tel: +221-768-723-627

As soon as we receive the requested Documents, Your registration files will be forwarded to the Attorney General in charge of visa affairs to enable him authorize the visa support letter, which he shall fax to the consular section of the U.S Embassy in your country together with the visa reference number, which will enable you go for the collection of your NON IMMIGRANT-VISA seal in your passport and your round trip air tickets will be sent to you via priority mail box as soon as you have received your NIV seal in your international passport.

If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.
TEL: +1- 516- 303- 0039
FAX: +1-516-303-0039
E-mail: [email protected]
Best Regard
Dr. James O'Brian
U.S. Copyright Office
101 Independence Ave. S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20559-6000
(202) 707-3000

Copyright © 2009 This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be legally privileged and are solely for the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you have received this e-mail in error please delete this message and any attachment files. E. & O. E. All liability for viruses is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law

2 more email domains appear in this email that will need to be checked

This is a plain text version of the attachments.
20, Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20024, United States Of America,
TEL: +:+1- 516- 303- 0039 / FAX: +1-516-303-0038


The file was opened with the following names and details.

Removed details of victim

You have been registered to join the list of participants from different countries, who will participant in the forth-coming International Conference on Racism and the Benefit of Human Right. Your documents shall be forwarded to the U.S bureau of immigrant affairs / U.S foreign consular department for visa authorization here in United States of America.

You are hereby required to submit the filled International Conference Participation forms B and C and your hotel booking receipt not later than 22ND October 2009 to enable us send you an invitation letter and also to forward your participation documents to the Attorney general (visa section) to signed the approval letter for B2/B1 Tourist visa, your visa documents will be processed here in the United States of America before your visit to the U.S embassy in your country and you will be issue Three Months Tourist Non-Immigrant Visa (TNIV) at the consular visa section at the U.S embassy in your country

Same information’s in your international passport must be used to fill the visa forms which will be send to you as soon as we receive your filled participation forms B and C along with your hotel booking confirmation receipt from Dakar Senegal Africa

You will have to contact any of the selected hotel management’s below in Dakar Senegal Africa to make arrangement for you hotel reservation to complete your registration for this conference.

Below is the contact address of the two selected hotels in Dakar Senegal Africa.

King's Cult Royal Hotel Hotel TERANGA
BP 8695, Dakar-Senegal Rue 85 Sedar Seghor, Dakar – Senegal
EMAIL: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +221-768-723-627 TEL: +221-776-293-938.
http://www.kingscultroyalhotel.totalh.com http://www.hotelteranga.2kool4u.net

Dr. James O'Brian
Conference Registrar

International Conference on Racism And
Its preventions; November 16th – 21st 2009 U.S.A

International Conference on Human Right
And its Benefits; November 23rd - 28th 2009
Dakar Senegal

Please Print clearly and if some of these categories don't apply to you then please state by writing N/A
Name (Mr. Mrs. Miss.)
Nationality Permanent Address:
Present Address (country of resident) Phone Number:

In Case of Emergency Contact: Address:

Phone Number Fax Number

Email address:

What Languages do you speak?
(In order of fluency):

Passport Number: Type of Passport:
Marital Status (circle one): Single Married Divorced Separated
Name and address of group or Organization:

Participation file number:
Return all registration forms along with first pages of passport information and confirmation of hotel booking receipt in Dakar-Senegal Africa to the conference secretariat office via email: [email protected] as soon as possible.


International Conference on Racism And
Its preventions; November 16th - 21st 2009 U.S.A

International Conference on Human Right
And its Benefits; November 23rd - 28th 2009
Dakar Senegal

1) Do you have relatives in the U.S.A.? Yes no (if yes, please note their address and relationship to you)


Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Do you have allergies to certain foods? (List foods)

Do you smoke? Yes no can you confine your smoking? Yes no
Do you have Objections to others smoking? Yes no

If yes, briefly describe:

Living abroad exposes you to a lifestyle that you may not be familiar with. Will you be able to adjust to unexpected situations?

Hobbies and leisure time interests:

Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime? If yes, please explain:

How did you know of this conference?

This fake document is the first document posted above in jpg form

by Arnold Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:35 am
Created On: 14-Nov-2000
Last Updated On: 18-Oct-2009
Expiration Date: 14-Nov-2010

It's on the http://db.aa419.org database and shut down last month. Fake sites don't usually last that long, and possibly it hasn't actually been used for scamming until recently.

by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:47 am
Thank you for the research on the site Arnold, there are going to be others :wink:

This email is to introduce a second person to the scam and the first person who will require fees

From: Hotel Management <[email protected]>

Dear Guest.
We thank you for your patronage towards our hotel here in Africa. We are glad to inform you that your hotel booking confirmation receipt is attach to this mail, please download and view for yourself. We believe you will have all the necessary hospitality in our comfortable hotel.

Once again we thank you for your patronage and we are looking forward to welcome you in our hotel here in Africa.
Hotel Management

The email came complete with this fake confirmation

by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:06 am
Here is another alias of the scammers where they will be setting up the victim to pay a second fee, the email will include the victims name to make it look even more legitimate

From: <[email protected]>

ATTENTION: Removed name ****

* Removed Country representative*

From the Law Office of Immigration Lawyer Clark T. Trainor, Esq...
Dear Participant,
In reference to the request of the GOFHR and your visa for the Republique of Senegal / visa requirements, you are advice to read carefully and adhere to the instruction which was received from the Republique of Senegal Bureau of Consular Affairs and Visa Services earlier today in response to the visa application we wrote to them as requested by the G.O.F.H.R organizing committee.

As requested by the America Airways, you are to submit your scan copies of your visas (USA and Senegal) and Insurance bond certificate to them and a scan copy of your international passport front page to enable them book and dispatch your air round trip tickets to you immediately.

You are to contact the ACIC insurance company for your insurance bond certificate as they are the recommended insurance company that the G.O.F.H.R has nominated for their delegates. Below is the contact address of the insurance company and when contacting them, do inform them to issue you two weeks insurance bond certificate and also indicate that you are a delegate for the GOFHR conference.
[email protected]
Mrs. Susan Olean,
Association of California Insurance Companies
(ACIC) 1415 L St., Suite 670
Sacramento, CA 95814

You will also need the NBI Clearance certificate for the Republic Of Senegal visa requirement (NBI CLEARANCE: Applicants aged 16 years and older travelling to the République du Sénégal must have a valid Record Clearance of entry from the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Dakar- Senegal. For Clearances, applicants should provide current Name, Date of birth, nationality, country of residence, next of kin, postal address respective contact address(Home address, Office Address, Company name, Email address, Phone numbers, Fax Numbers), birth certificate name, maiden name, married name, and any aliases or nicknames ever used. An official letter of explanation from the NBI will be issued for any notation of “No criminal record”, "No pending criminal case” or “With derogatory record.”) NBI is located along Taft Avenue Bp-86554 in Manila, Dakar-Senegal. For immigration purposes, an NBI clearance is considered valid only for one year from the date it is issued and in other to obtain the NBI CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE, Form 1-864, Form 1-864EZ & Form 1-134 Affidavit
of support (AOS), Applicants are required to make the deposit of Seven Hundred and Seventy-five Euros (£ 775.00) to the NBI Account details below and Note that only Seven Hundred Euros (£ 700.00) will be refundable if immigrants is not convicted with any crime in the period of stay here in Dakar Senegal and the balance Seventy-five Euros (£ 75.00) are the charges for the consular (£ 35.00), TDS services (£ 20.00), and the various affidavit of support forms (£ 20.00) respectively.

Below are bank details and Swift
1) BANK NAME: BSIC Senegal S.A
2) A/C NUMBER: K01110100101103580003142.
7) BANK ADDRESS: Dakar. 12 Boulevard Djily MBAYE- B.P. 4706.

Receiver’s Name: MICHAEL JAMES

Immediately you make your payment, do inform them via ([email protected])
Taft Avenue Bp-86554 in Manila, Dakar-Senegal.
The processing of the required documents for applicants will take 3 business days after notification of payment from applicant and applicants are required to come along with their documents when coming to the country to enable them obtain their refundable NBI funds (£700.00) at our office there in Dakar Senegal immediately after the event. Applicants will be notified directly for the appointment date to visit the République du Sénégal embassy there in your country for same day visa collection after the receipt of the above mentioned documents as it will be required for visa authorization.

You are to fill and forward your completed visa forms (Republic of Senegal) to us with the needful (Insurance Bond Certificate and NBI Clearance Certificate) as soon as possible for documentation and also copies to the America Airways for the booking of your air round trip

Many wishes,
Yours Sincerely,
Attorney Dominick Patrick,
Counsel Bureau of Immigrant Affairs,
(Bureau of Consular Affairs)

Visa Services
Washington D.C. U.S.A.
Toll Free: 888 947-9445

Note this email address from the above email “[email protected]
“ Consultant.com is a free email service provided by mail.com, mail.com is extensively used by scammers to make their email addresses look more legitimate, other common email addresses that scammers commonly use are “financier.com” and “banker.com” although these are many more free email addresses for scammers to choose from.

As soon as you see any of these domains in an email, you can be certain that it is a scam

Another area of interest in this email is this section

when coming to the country to enable them obtain their refundable NBI funds (£700.00) at our office there in Dakar Senegal immediately after the event

Scammers will often make promises of refunds or compensation, of course these people do not exist so offering a refund is easy for them to do and it helps to make their victims think that they will be getting a good deal

Below is another 2 page form

by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:11 am
The next email is supposedly from an insurance company, whether or not there is a real “California Insurance” they would not be using a consultant.com email address, nor will you receive an email from them in ALL CAPS

Be mindful of any email you receive that is in all capitals

From: California Insurance <[email protected]>




Mrs. Susan Olean,

Be Yourself @ mail.com
Choose From 200+ Email Addresses
Get a Free Account at www.mail.com!

I have left the small piece of advertising in this email at the bottom, it is advertising for mail.com, if ever you see this at the bottom of an email, it is an almost certain sign of a scammer

The next email you will receive is supposedly from an airline, without knowing otherwise, I would presume an email from one of the largest airlines in the world to be from their own email domain and not perbox.net, this is yet another little heard of email domain that will require further investigation.

Right from the start of this email there is cause for alarm, if you were to receive an email from one of the largest airlines in the world, I would doubt they would need to announce who they were in the first line

From: AMERICAN AIR WAYS <[email protected]>


This is American Airways here in Los Angeles. We have been instructed by the Global Organization For Human Right to contact you regarding the international conference taking place from November 16th to 21st in United States, and 23rd to 28th November in Dakar Senegal West Africa. With reference to the order from the G.O.F.H.R. organizing committee, and data forwarded to us from the conference registrar (Dr. James O'Brian), you are requested to forward a scan copy of your international passport data page, your participation file numbers
(P.F.N) and your Visas reference number to us immediately to enable us include your information’s to the next batches of tickets that will be booked and dispatch.

If you are among the category of G.O.F.H.R passengers that have not obtain their Visas, do notify us in a return mail but endeavour to furnish us with your International passport front page copies for documentation.

I will want you to confirm and forward your postal address. Do send us the requested documents, and I wait your urgent reply.

Please ignore this message if you have already forwarded your documents before now and received your air round trip tickets.

Kelly Morgan,
American Airways

This email is to reinforce legitimacy once more and from the scammers point of view provide them with a supply of stolen identification that they can use in further scams.

A victim who readily provides these details will be considered an easy target for the scammers and will likely receive more requests for money shortly after sending their documents

Here is the text version of the attachment
This is American Airways here in Los Angeles. We have been instructed by the Global Organization For Human Right to contact you regarding the international conference taking place from November 16th to 21st in United States, and 23rd to 28th November in Dakar Senegal West Africa. With reference to the order from the G.O.F.H.R. organizing committee, and data forwarded to us from the conference registrar (Dr. James O'Brian), you are requested to forward a scan copy of your international passport data page, your participation file numbers (P.F.N) and your Visas reference number to us immediately to enable us include your information’s to the next batches of tickets that will be booked and dispatch.
If you are among the category of G.O.F.H.R passengers that have not obtain their Visas, do notify us in a return mail but endeavour to furnish us with your International passport front page copies for documentation.
I will want you to confirm and forward your postal address.
Do send us the requested documents, and I wait your urgent reply.
Please ignore this message if you have already forwarded your documents before now and received your air round trip tickets.
Kelly Morgan,
American Airways,
www. aa.com

The version you will receive includes a picture of an AA plane under the text
by Ralph Tue Nov 03, 2009 6:26 am
Here we have yet another alias introduced into the scam, in this particular case the scammers used the wrong name on the email, most likely the name of another victim of this scam.

If you ever see a mistake like this in any email, do not simply put it down to incompetence, look into it and check all the details you have received.

In most scams that I have seen, looking through all of the emails there will be warning signs like the wrong name being used throughout the correspondence, if ever you see any mistakes on anything involving money and the internet, you should be extra suspicious.

In fact, if you receive any email from a stranger that involves money, your first instinct should be scam, make them prove themselves, don’t be afraid to ask questions and do not let them give you demands for documents, if it is a real person contacting you they will provide you with everything you want.

The sad truth is that if you have received an email from somebody who you do not know, who does not know your name, then it will be a scam

From: <[email protected]>

Dear Wrong person’s name,

Attached below is your clearance affidavit certificate for your B2/B1 non-immigrant tourist visa approval. You are to take your clearance affidavit certificate, your international passport, four passport sized photographs and your insurance bond certificate along with you when visiting our embassy there in your country of residence for the collection of your same day visa authorization. Note that you are required to come along with a copy of your insurance bond certificate and your NBI clearance certificate when coming to our country for the event as your affidavit form number is tagged and documented here to your refundable deposit file; should the need arise.
You are to visit our embassy there in your country for the collection of your same day visa authorization on the 07th day of November 2009 and endeavour to take along with you the above listed documents.
Thanks for your interest to visit our country and we hope you find a pleasant stay when you arrive.

Thanking You
Kenneth W. Kize
Director And State Registrar of Vital Statistics

Yet another fake document to make this scam look more realistic, scammers love using fake documents and will freely provide all kinds of attachments to their scams to gain your trust, please be mindful of how easily fake documents can be produced with basic computer programs.

by Ralph Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:16 am
Here is a further email in this scam, this one is from the Hotel discussing payment options

From: Hotel Management [email protected]

To: Removed

Dear Guest,

Guest can not make reservation/payment for room via credit card for
now as our credit card debiting facility is undergoing overhauling and
so payment for rooms should be made to our hotel bank account below.

Method of Payment (Bank Wire Transfer)

(1)Bank Name: CBAO

(2) A/C: K0012 01310 34159871801 51

(3) Beneficiary: Agwu Onyeka Leon


(5) Country: Dakar-Senegal.

(6) Bank Address: 01310 CBAO CHEIKH ANTA DIOP.

Or by Western Union Money Transfer:

Method of Payment (Western Union Money Transfer)

(1) Name of Receiver: Agwu Onyeka Leon

(2) Amount sent:

(3) Question: Dakar

(4) Answer: Senegal

(5) Country: Dakar Senegal Africa.

Do notify us immediately payment is been made from your end to enable
us confirm, reserve and issue you your booking receipt.

Once again, we say thank you for choosing our hotel to make your
booking as we promise to give you the best comfort when you arrive

Yours Faithfully,

Hotel Manager

Dear Guest,

We are welcoming you to our hotel regarding the international
conference taking place here in Dakar Senegal Africa, and concerning
your reservation in our hotel, we wish to inform you that, we still
have rooms available for guest who are reserving in our comfortable

Below is the attach form for reservation, our hotel rate are in U.S
Dollars and our country currency CFA and booking receipt will only be
issued after payment is been made for room by the reserving guest.

Yours Faithfully,

Hotel Manager
by Ralph Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:25 pm
Our site killers are doing a great job on these fake sites and slowly they are being shut down.

The scammers will no doubt set up new sites and let their customers know about the problems but it will tip many victims off that something is amiss when the sites no longer open or the email addresses are no longer used.

Like all scammers, they will set up new sites which cost money and take time, time they would have otherwise been spending convincing people about the upcoming conference.

Thank you to those who are working on this :=)

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