Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by yagi Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:30 am
PO BOX 555, NEW YORK NY 10116-0555
EMAIL: [email protected]

This is to notify you that we have intercepted your parcel from DHL COURIER SERVICE is making the delivery and we have stopped the delivery process for some security reasons stated below:

1. Our scanning system has detected that your parcel contains a confirmable ATM CARD to the tune of $1,500,000.00 USD.

2. Such ATM CARD coming from Europe / African /Asia is been verified by the POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE which we have directed our inspection team to proceed with the verification to ascertain the authenticity of the ATM CARD and now after all the verification on the Parcel/ATM CARD, having contacted the issuing institution who made it known to our office that the ATM CARD is a Genuine one and Not ILLEGALLY ACQUIRED. We have also forwarded the Serial Number of the ATM CARD to the Treasury Department and they confirmed that the CARD is Authentic and ready to be cashed at any ATM MACHINES.

Also for the Delivery of the Parcel to continue, you are in obligation to obtain from Spain, a Duly Sworn Affidavit from Spanish High Court which will back up the Origin of Fund. This is in line with the Anti-Terrorist Campaign which the USA Government has embarked on recently to protect Territories from future attacks. You should therefore contact the sender of the ATM CARD or the DHL Courier Agent in Madrid Spain to get the Sworn Affidavit for you while we wait to receive from you the Affidavit File Number to enable us forward your ATM CARD to your address.

Below is his contact information. Note that the cost of the Affidavit is ยข89 Euros and do not hesitate to remit the amount to him.

Name: Antonio Pablo Email: [email protected]

We shall then forward the ATM CARD to you and you will be sure of a genuine ATM CARD that is coming to you. We are doing this for your interest considering the rate which fraudulent and stolen CHEQUES/ATM CARD are been sent to our innocent citizen that most times put them in problem.

William Gilligan
Timothy Gale Puckett

by Arnold Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:10 am
Hi and welcome to Scamwarners.
It's a scam. There is no ATM card or $1.5m.
As it happens another example of this particular scam was posted here earlier today, with details of what makes it a scam.

by GomerPyle Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:56 pm
419 scammers can be quite stupid (some aren't) and this is a common scam which arises because many scammers in West Africa have only a limited knowledge of banking and banking systems.

I've never heard of anyone transferring cash by means of an ATM card, and I worked in a bank before I retired. I think scammers have seen people use an ATM card at a cash machine and their minds have clicked to believe that the card itself is valuable. Maybe they know better now, but the mythical system has now been absorbed into scammer folklore and the scam persists.

This one takes it to new heights of stupidity. When a bank sends out a new ATM card, it is packaged to be undetectable, so that anyone handling in the postal service won't know what it is, and intercept it. The idea that a scanner can read what's on the card is science fiction gone mad, apart from the fact that the scanner would have to read the bank account, not the card, and that's not possible.

Of course an ATM card is only for use by one person, the person indicated on the envelope and the card, so contacting you by e-mail and asking you to confirm ownership of an ATM card that's not yours is ridiculous. There is no legal procedure that will enable you to gain ownership of a card you don't own, but then the whole thing is a scam, and a pretty stupid one too.

They set the cost so low, so that they hope people will consider it's worth taking a risk, but it isn't. Save your money and buy yourself a good meal and a bottle of wine.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer
by Arnold Tue Nov 10, 2009 3:48 pm
As with all advance fee frauds, the affidavit fee will only be the start. It will be followed by more and more fees until the victim gives up or runs out of money.

by Ralph Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:10 am
^^ or begin to borrow, sell items or steal to make further payments :(

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