Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed May 23, 2012 7:04 pm
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Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 10:27:04 -0500 (COT)
From: "Dr. Edgar Hernandez - Cardiologo" <[email protected]>
Reply-To: "Bonnie Wolf " <[email protected]>
Subject: Contact my Lawyer
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To: [redacted]

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My name is Mrs. Bonnie Wolf, I am 59 years old and I was diagnosed
for cancer for about 2 years ago. Am sorry to contact you in this manner
but please bear in mind that i find your contact in international
directories with World Health Organization. I will be going in for an
operation later today. I decided to WILL/DONATE the sum of Fourteen
Millions Two Hundred and Fifty Eight
Thousand United States Dollars to you for the good work of the Lord.
Contact My Lawyer with this email:
Name: Barr Talal Salim
Email: [email protected]
Contact him and inform him about the WILLED 14.258M in your name by
quoting my personal reference number JJ/MMS/953/5015/GWRL/316US/UK. As
soon as you contact him with this details quoted above, he should be
able to recognize you and help in claiming this amount from the securities company
where I deposited the funds.
Mean while you are advised to keep this mail and it contents
confidential as i really want my wish accomplish at the end of the day.
Please do pray to God for my recovery.
God Bless you.
Mrs. Bonnie Wolf

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