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Child of God,
As the earth remains there must be seed time and harvest time.A time to sow and the time to reap that which is sown.
And the bible said that what ever that a man sow the same he will reap.In tams of sowing seeds the ground where we sow our seed maters.there are virgin lands that has not been sown before,there are fertile land that bring good fruits, there are barren lands that has been over sown there is no more manure to bring forth fruits.

I am Pastor Samuel Ezekwesili, the best Bible commentator in the world presently,the serving Overseer of The Triumphant People Assembly Incorporation. I am putting up a network outreach that will cost over $5.million dollars for a start.

Our vision Is to reach out to those millions of souls out there who has no time to read their Bible.by running commentary on the whole Bible on tape,Cd's, V.c.D all for free so that no one will miss out,on our T.V station on daily bases.

Our Mission is to teach and preach the sweet and bitter truth of the word of God which is Christ Jesus no matter what it's cost through out the whole earth as God permits.
Our purpose is Glorify God by making fruitful disciples, to make sure many come to the knowledge of the truth and to reach out to the less privilege,to accomplish this task God has called me to do I want to do you a favor by asking you to be partner with (me) us.

Sow a seed today in this virgin land for hundredfold increase.I ask you to sow with any mount let something leaves your hand and ask GOD for three thing that you want God to do for you withing three months,I don't care who you are or what may be your need all i care is what the word of God says with God all things are possible and to them that believe noting shall be impossible,do you believe?every body has need your need.sow a seed today and watch the three things you ask that is very important in your life come to pass,you have noting to lose give it a try He is a God that stand behind His Word to make it come to pass.

Do you know that you will be in Heaven? Do you know that you are a child of God? Do you know that a righteous man is that parson that live his live according to God standard? Do you know that the happiest people in this life are those who invest in others? Do you know that the best tithe you can give to God is to give that parson who has need around you? Do you know that the secret to wealth is to sow in the things of God? do you know that the only religion God recognized is to help the poor, visit the fatherless, the widow and to reach out to the less prevailed and do justice to strangers around you?

Remember the Law of increase is giving, the bible says that He that waters will be watered,give it shall be given unto you,good measure press down,shaking together and running over shall men give unto your bosom the measure you give is what will be measured back to you.He that sow bountifully shall reap bountifully, and He that sow sparingly shall reap sparingly.
The first Hundred people to sow seed into this Ministry their name will be written as the pioneers of this great ministry.

send money by money gram or western union money transfer to;
Samuel Ezekwesili.
city Lagos, Nigeria.
send MTC number to me.
God Bless you as you Obey.
Pastor Samuel Ezekwesili.

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