by Peta
Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:44 am
A rather brazen approach by this scammer. He launches straight into the meatiest part of the scam, promising a nice cash sum of $2.5M, hand delivered. Notice the contradiction where he says the delivery of the fake cash "does not require any upfront payment" but later states that the 'officials' will require $4.5K from the victim for "their accommodation and feeding". This is where the advanced fee fraud merely begins.
Received: from [] by via HTTP
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009
From: Ministry Finance <[email protected]>
Subject: urgent
To: *******
I am directed to notify you that your accrued interest of
$2,500.000.00 (Two Million,Five Hundred thousand)dollars has been
approved by the New Minister of Finance.
This Interest accrued from your Lump sum which is yet to be paid.Since
it is easier and quicker to pay your interest,the Minister therefore
instructed us to pay you.The payment of this interest is only by
personal cash delivery system.Since we are asked not to demand any
cash from you we decided to pay you by delivering your money to you
which does not require any upfront payment.We will send our officials
to your country,pay there flight ticket,and as they meet with you,you
will be able to pay for their accommodation and feeding for about
two days they will stay in your country,which we estimated at about
$4,500.00.If you accept to receive our officers with your money,and
also accept to pay for their accommodation and feeding,please let us
know so that we schedule their coming and give you details of their arrival.
Please treat as very urgent.
Andrew Ibe,
Internal Auditor.