Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:38 pm
From [email protected] Mon Nov 16 13:34:25 2009
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Hello my dear friend,

Of course I know this message will come to you as a surprise, but I want you to consider yourself lucky and see it as favour from Father Almighty to be the chosen one to manage this project with me, which with no doubt be for our mutual benefit as soon as possible. I would like to take this great opportunity to introduce myself properly. I am Ma.Teresa javier from the Philippines, widow of the late former AFP Chief of Staff who died on 29 June 2007, before the present Chief of Staff Gen. Alexander B.Yano of the hilippines.

I inherited a total of $18.4 million U.S. dollars from my late husband, the money was concealed in a metal truk box and was deposited with a security and finance company in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivory, that was because I needed a maximum security/safety of my consignment and no body or government organization can trace the where about of the money until I am ready and prepare to claim it. but the security company does not know the actual content of the box, because it was filed under a secret arrangement of family valuables.

My main purpose of sending you this e-mail is because of the way i found you and perhaps trustworthy to give you this priority of shipping the box of money to any address that you think is very secure and save in your country for onward deposit into your account for the purpose of future investment. Your percentage of which we shall chat on soon. As soon as i hear from you, in my next email i will send you my photo, guid lines and also the Authorization document to contact the company which is the deposit document that was issued from the company on the very day the box was deposited with a secret code for safety. I give thanks immensely for your
co-operation as I look forward to hear from you soon.

get back to me on this email: [email protected] ,
All the best,

Mrs Teresa Javuer

by The Enchantress Mon Nov 16, 2009 6:12 pm
Definite scam- delete and do not reply.

Noted this same scam mail on Spanish language site - septiembre 21, 2009;
Hello my dear friend,

Of course I know this message will come to you as a surprise, but I
want you to consider yourself lucky and see it as favour from Father
Almighty to be the chosen one to manage this project with me, which
with no doubt be for our mutual benefit as soon as possible. I would
like to take this great opportunity to introduce myself properly. I am
Ma.Teresa javier from the Philippines, widow of the late former AFP
Chief of Staff who died on 29 June 2007, before the present Chief of
Staff Gen. Alexander B.Yano of the hilippines.

I inherited a total of $18.4 million U.S. dollars from my late
husband, the money was concealed in a metal truk box and was deposited
with a security and finance company in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivory, that was
because I needed a maximum security/safety of my consignment and no
body or government organization can trace the where about of the money
until I am ready and prepare to claim it. but the security company
does not know the actual content of the box, because it was filed
under a secret arrangement of family valuables.

My main purpose of sending you this e-mail is because of the way i
found you and perhaps trustworthy to give you this priority of
shipping the box of money to any address that you think is very secure
and save in your country for onward deposit into your account for the
purpose of future investment. Your percentage of which we shall chat
on soon. As soon as i hear from you, in my next email i will send you
my photo, guid lines and also the Authorization document to contact
the company which is the deposit document that was issued from the
company on the very day the box was deposited with a secret code for
safety. I give thanks immensely for your
co-operation as I look forward to hear from you soon.

get back to me on this email: [email protected].

All the best,

Mrs Teresa Javuer

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