Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by 0172047051 Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:11 am
Your report is important to the ACCC as this information assists us in monitoring scam trends and taking action where appropriate, including to educate the public on new or emerging scams. The ACCC is unable to reply to all reports made online via the SCAMwatch Report a Scam form due to the high volume received.
If you need advice about how to deal with a scam, please review the information on the SCAMwatch website. You may also wish to contact the SCAMwatch Infocentre Line on 1300 795 995.
You submitted the following:

SCAMwatch complaint lodged by Mr Anonymous Anonymous
I do not want my report to be considered for publication in the Victim Stories section of the SCAMwatch website.
I am submitting this form anonymously.
Complainant details
State: ACT
Postcode: 2614
Gender: Female
Details of the scammer (business, company, group or individual)
Street address:
Suburb / Town: murray brigbe
State: SA
Postcode: 5253
Phone number: 0421134932
Email: [email protected]
Details of the scam
What type of scam was it? Banking & online account (including Phishing)
How did the scammer make contact? Internet
What problems were experienced?
Unauthorised account or credit card transactions
Money was paid/transferred/lost to the scammer: Yes
How was it paid? Wire transfer
How much money was paid/transferred/lost? 14000
Brief description of the scam: he told me he was going to help me get my funds from my bank and i accepted he has me to pay the money which i paid into his account and he came back to tell the account his frozen that i have to send another money since it like this so my 1.6,million dollars can be paid to me...i have hos driver licence with me and i can attached it and send to you if needed
Do you require a response? Yes

by 0172047051 Tue Jun 19, 2012 12:31 am
Bank name:Anz
Bank address:27 Bridge Street Murray Bridge South Australia Australia
Phone Number:131314
Savings account
acoount num:279376485
bank holder name;
Account Holders Address: Murray Bridge South Australia, Australia
account holders phone number:0421134932

by John DeLaney Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:24 am
Hi, in all probability, the name you have posted is not the scammer, as you claim to have his drivers licence and address, what has happened is the actual scammer is in Nigeria, and has obtained this persons details, by the same type of scam.

Could you please post any emails you have still got from the scammer, and if possible the headers for them

I will be asking Admin to remove the name you have posted till we can verify the details.

Thank you

John Delaney

John DeLaney
by Dotti Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:45 am
Welcome to scamwarners!

I have combined your posts and moved them into this forum, because the scam you are describing is what is known as an advance fee scam.

As John already said, it is important to understand that these scammers do not use their real names and information--but they may use information stolen from a real person.

Often these scammers send the exact same letters many times, so posting some of his emails will be very helpful to prevent others from being scammed. You can simply copy and paste, but remove your own name and information.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.

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