Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris Fuller Fri Nov 20, 2009 3:09 pm
This is not the true story of 'Miss Lina Sinko'. This is the invented story of a scammer. The sender of this email does not have any diamonds and gold with a security company and, therefore, there is nothing needing relocation to your country.

Any emails sent by the 'security company' will also be scam mails, sent by either the very same scammer who sent this mail, or an associate scammer.

Their intention to persuade you to pay fees for the transportation of the diamonds and gold - the fees could be insurance costs, or delivery charges, or for various documents.

Please do not be tempted to help the writer of this email. It is a scam aimed at taking your money. There are no real diamonds, no real gold, no 'family valuables' owned.

IP Address: - Senegal

from lan sinko <[email protected]>
date Thu, Nov 19, 2009
subject waiting to hear from you,

My Dear good Friend,

My name is Miss Lina Sinko; I am 23 years old girl This is a compelling story, and I beg you to be patient and read through to the end.I was adopted in by Late Dr . Keita Sinko ,A successfull Stones Diamond dealer . Dr Keita Sinko died as a result of the political crisis in Markani my home town in Sarankunda,

I loved Dr Sinko for his kindness to me; for taking me out of the motherless baby home and make me his own daughter. He simply adopted me because he had no child on his own.I had no memory of my real parents.

Before the death of Dr Sinko on May 12 2009 he called me on the hospital bed and narrated to me that he has 180 kilos stones Gold and Diamonds packed in a trunk boxes, .

He made me to understand that these stonesd was deposited in a Security company in the capital city of Gunie which is conakry . He also gave me some Authentic Document regarding the deposited of the stones Diamonds . This document indicated that I am the beneficiary of the 180 Kilos Stones Diamonds. He also made me to understand that some officials of the Security company do not know the real content of these box, he deposited the box as our family valuables for security reasons. He warned me not to reveal this secret to anyone untill I finish my education then I can claim the stones and use the money to start living.

Two weeks ago, I received a letter from the private Security company.The manager of this company in his letter apologized to me for waiting so long to contact me; information of my father's death simply did not reach him until a chance newspaper publication alerted him of the fact.I was then invited to come forward to their office to claim the consignment Stones Diamonds.

But this simple invitation is a very big problem to me because I don't have money to pay for the Dommurage charges; Also I don't want to reaveal the content of these boxe to the company because my late father warned me earlier. Even though I claim these consignment Stones , I don't know how I can handle the money because the money is too big for me to handle. If I take the money to bank, especially now that the country is in a political crisis the bank must question me and i might be killed.

I therefore decided to look for a foreign partner who will help me claim this stones from the Security company and arrange for the Relocate of this stones Diamonds to abroad in your country and at the same time assist me to come over to your country to stay with you and continue my education.

I desperately need your help! I need you to contact the Security Company on my behalf as the "CONSIGNEE"; claim the 180 kilos stones Diamonds and arrange to relocate the stones for sales of the stones,
There is absolutely NO RISK to you; You can reach me through these confidential Email,

Thanks and i wait for your respond

Miss Lina Sinko

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