Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Peta Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:36 am
Scammers are very fond of using the visual pulling power of the "consignment box". I just googled that term and the first four results point to scams. This is simply yet another example of advanced fee fraud coming out of West Africa. Do not reply to this email. Simply ignore or delete.

Received: from kms.kusshand.com ([])
Received: from [email protected] (
Reply-To: <[email protected]>
From: "Rita Dogolea"<[email protected]>
Subject: Dearest One,Can you help me?AMS
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 17:01:48 -0000
Return-Path: [email protected]

Dearest One,Can you help me?
Better day’s greetings to you. I am Rita Dogolea a 25 years old girl, The daughter of the late vice president of Liberia , a country in West Africa who was killed by President Charles Taylor during the war.
I write you this email in respect of my consignment box in USA , which I want you to assist me to lay claims to, by standing as my trustee, to help me receive this consignment on my behalf. The box (Consignment) contains $20 Million U.S.Dollars that was deposited by my late father in my favor in Ghana for onward transfer to a foreign beneficiary. Mr. Neal Jay was suppose to assist me receive this consignment, but began to demand for 50% which I did not agree on for any reason, as we had an initial agreement for 30%, that is why I have to stop the delivery to him immediately, and search for another Beneficiary who can help me and my younger brother Cephas on this.
I will give you 30% for the total fund involve for your assistance, because that was the former agreement I have with my former foreign partner Mr. Neal Jay before he later changed his mind because of his greed that is why I put a stop to the delivery to him ,please if you are willing to help me , kindly reply me soon with your names and mobile phone numbers, so that we can proceed immediately because of the time limits. Attached is my picture for identification.Please respond to my private email : [email protected] OR [email protected]


Yours Sincerely
Rita Dogolea.

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