Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by TheDane Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:06 pm
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Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 23:21:08 +0100 (BST)
From: Calvin Borak <calvinborak@rediffmail.com>
Reply-To: calvin.borak@ymail.com
Subject: From Mr Calvin Borak,
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From Mr Calvin Borak,

Please with due respect and humility I write you this letter which I believe you would be understandable to me. But if this my proposal disturbs your peace please forgive me as I am going to detail you all about the procedures I am Mr Calvin Borak (Director Great African Insurance Company) I am 53 years old from ivory coast in west Africa I work with great African insurance company for the pass 12years now I am putting my retirement letter but before I will officially sign my retirement letter I want us to negotiate on this business which will lead to our life children's to inherit as life goes on,

Here is the scoop and nature of the deal I discover (6.700million) United States Dollars in our reserve bank which have lasted over 15years in the reserve bank now as my position I am discussion this event to you so that you will stand as the owner of this fund while I forward you every original documents that proves you the owner of this fund and the bank will transfer it to your account then I will sign my retirement letter as soon as you receive this money into your account in your country, if you agree we are going to share this money 50 and 40 then 10% will be keep aside if there is any expense you might cure so that you will be balance to avoid cheating each other if you agree and will not let anybody known about this money I will detail you about the bank and also forward you the documents as quickly as possible because of my time limit in the office,

Now if you consider keeping to the proposal send me your number I will call you for more details
Thank you for your understanding
Mr Calvin Borak, Director Great African Insurance Company Inc
Abidjan Hq

I am a scambaiter with expierience in dealing with scammers. Kindly do not correspond with any of these criminals in any way.

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