Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by blstudio Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:38 pm
I have recently been victimized by a 419 advance fee scam which I lost over $3500 dollars. This fraudster in still asking for additional money to meet the banks miniumn requirement of additional $2000 dollars. Since I became aware of this scam I have been playing along with him using delaying tatics and misleading e-mails to stall for time. My question or advice is that I a have connection to some individual that I was introuduced too on the internet who is crime investagator in Nigeria Africa where the scammers come from. I am worried if I this give this individual detail data I could be in danger by these criminals who have my idendity and know where I live etc. Should I go ahead and work with this investigator? I believe he is true, I know this person who gave to me his ID on the internet sometime before I got scammed.
Any feedback on this will be appreciated. :?
Thank you ,

by Scam Patroller Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:49 pm
Hi Robert, sorry to hear you have been scammed, and the chances of getting your money back are pretty much zero.

With regards to the Nigerian investigator that you say you were "introduced to" on the internet, who introduced you to them?

I am not aware of any crime investigators operating in Nigeria, the only ones I am aware of, are those which are fake, the part being played by a scammer, where they might say they are from the Economic & Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for example, or the Nigerian Police, or other official legal body.

Those scammers usually contact victims and work the "money recovery scam" on them, that is where they claim to be able to get the victims lost money back, of course, along the way, there will be fees for you to pay to register your case, or they will need money to help with the investigation, none of which exists, they simply want your money, you have then been scammed for a second time.

See our section on money recovery scams here, in particular, the one titled as, Fake EFCC recovery scam:


Please give us some details about the supposed investigator, phone number, name, email address, and emails he has sent to you etc.

It is not a good idea to play along with the scamemrs, they have all of your personal details, which makes it unsafe for you to do so, we would advise you to simply cease all contact with the scammers, block their e,mail address and forget about them, if they phone you and you have called ID, ignore their calls, if you do not have caller ID, as soon as you hear it is them, remain silent and put the phone down.
Last edited by Scam Patroller on Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Remember, if it seems to good to be true, then it is.

http://www.419eater.com - http://www.aa419.org

by ChrisSmith Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:03 pm
Hi Robert.

I'm totally in agreement with Scam Patroller - this stinks of Recovery Scam.

Just to add: ID means nothing. Scammers have access to all types of ID - passports, driving licenses, identity cards, etc. Some of it is genuine and stolen from victims and some of it they create themselves. Any scammer worth his salt will have access to dozens of different forms of ID.

by thebandit Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:13 am
I have to also agree with scam partoller the guy sounds like a plant as I have been told the same thing before and looked into it and found out that the investigator was a fake. you can access the Nigerien government web page and see all of their investigators.

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