Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Peta Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:49 am
Poor 'Miss Ariana Hani' has quite a great deal of scam exposure on the internet. Just google the name to see what I mean. The beautiful-refugee-with-millions format has been around for years but the ending is always the same. Anyone falling for this scam will be lured into parting with their own money in order to pay completely fictitious legal/banking/medical bills. The inheritance, of course does not exist. It is simply the carrot to lead vulnerable people into being ripped off.

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Subject: Hello Dearest !
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 2009

From: Miss Ariana [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 4:37 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Hello Dearest !

Hello Dearest,

I know this might come to you as a surprise, but please do accept it in good faith and treat as a matter of urgency with utmost confidentiality.

I am Miss Ariana Hani from Khartoum-Sudan; Northeastern Africa, now seeking political asylum in Dakar Senegal under the UNHCR as a refugee.

I am searching for a true friend. Some one who is God fearing, kind and honest to stand as my foreign representative to help me receive my inheritance funds so I can leave this camp and come to your country to continue my education.

Please kindly reply if you know in your heart you would want to help me. Remain Bless.


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