Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:05 am
In this scam I would expect that the scammer will send you a MTCN number and name from Western Union, you will be given details to log in and see that there is money available to be picked up by the receiver which is enough to make many people believe that they really do have money sitting there ready to be collected.

The information you receive is only enough to view the status online but not enough to pick it up or even to find out the value or who the receiver is.

The scammers will be sending these same details to many people in the hope they will send through the initial fee, after that fee is paid there will be yet another fee to be paid for some other tax or charge, fees will continue indefinately while the scam victim believes in the scam and continues to send money.

From: [email protected] (A free email provider)

WEB SITE...www.westernunion.com (the real Western Union website, the scammer is in no way a part of Western Union)
http://site.www.westernunion.com/ (fake website which now appears to be closed)

Good Day

The Board of federal ministry of finance Republic Nigeria are hereby to notify you of your payment inheritance funds of US$250,000. after the meeting held on 13th of November 2009. His Excellence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA (DR UMARU MUSA YARADUA) has Instructed this Department to send your funds through our westernunion money transfer,

for easy receive of your inheritance funds without any further delay to avoid paying money to the fraudstars that is going on through internet now.

You are required to send your name and address Where you want your fund to besend to you through WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER.

The maximium amount you will be receiving per a day starting from tomorrow is$7000.00) and the MTCN NO # will be sent along with the Text Questions & Answers for you to receive your fund through any Western Union Location in your Country.

Send your information to MR JAMES INANA via western union money transfer in NIGERIA.You are require to pay for the activate fee which will cost you the sum of $105 us dollars to them so your transfer can start immediately.

Beneficiarey name--------------
Contact Address----------------
Telephone Number-----------------
For further procedure Contact our payment officer with the information below.

Western Union Money Transfer Inform you that you are to fill the above
information so that we can send you your money easily via western union.Try to fill the Above Informations where they will be sending you your money .

Yours in service western union

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