Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Wed Dec 09, 2009 10:27 am
From Roland Duke Wed Dec 9 03:05:01 2009
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To: [email protected]
Subject: I will be happy to work this deal out with you
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 22:35:01 -0430
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I will be happy to work this deal out with you if you have a corporate or
personal Bank Account and if you are capable to keep TOP SECRET. I need
strong Assurance that you will never let me down, if I transfer this money
to your account. I discovered a dormant accounts with holding balance of
US$ 50,000.000.00 {fifty million US Dollars only} If you know that you are
capable to handle large amount on trust and you will take 40% of any amount
I transfer to your account from the dormant account and I will take 60%,
send the following information by return mail: [email protected]

(1)your first and second name,
(2)your Bank name and address,
(3)your Account no,
(4)your Swift code no,
(5)your Account name,
(6)your country and home address,
(7)Your mobile phone no,
(8)your office phone no,
(9)your home phone no,
(10)Your Occupation,
(11)your Age,

Thank you for your time and attention, I looked forward to receive your
prompt reply to [email protected] i will send you the full detail on
how to transfer the total money to your bank account.

Roland Duke?

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