by Dotti
Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:46 pm
Tracing someone via an IP address is not as simple as it seems. The vast majority of people do not have static IP addresses--every time they go online, they get a different IP address from the provider's pool. Can the provider trace the IP address to an account? Probably--but not without a warrant or government intervention. And, even then, if the scammer is using an internet cafe, which is also common, the IP may lead investigators to a computer, but it may be difficult, if not impossible, to establish who was using that particular computer when it was used for scamming. In the simpler scenario, in which the IP address is traced to a particular computer, evidence is still required to connect it to a particular user.
As far as cellular phones go, it's not too difficult to register a phone using false information, especially phones that allow users to buy minutes or credits. Most scammers are smart enough not to use a phone registered to themselves for scamming. So again, tracing the scammer is not a simple process, and it will likely require intervention from the authorities with warrants, etc.
In both cases, chances are you will not be able to trace the person without the assistance of the government of the country the scammer is in. Most governments are not going to respond to a request from a citizen of another country--requests for assistance have to go through formal channels. Those formal channels usually include your government and the other country's government, and lots of political red tape.