Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by stern08 Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:06 pm
Dispatcher Service Clerk
We are currently seeking Energetic, Self-Motivated, Honest, and Reliable applicants for IMMEDIATE HIRE A rapid growing arts company needs part time distribution clerk that will handle the company's mails in the United States.Qualified candidates should have knowledge in Computer work, Scanning, Printing, with good experience in the Receiving/Shipping fields to handle Dispatch, Scheduling, Quotes,Claims and general office/secretarial work in this fields must be very organized and sharp quick learning.... very good opportunity for the right individual, and should able to handle large volume of mails.Honesty and responsibility are a must. Succesful candidates will work twice a week and get paid weekly.
Job Description
* Receive Bulk mails from the company
* Receive Bulk catalogs from the company
* Buy USPS stamps from the post office
* Send out mails and catalogs to our numerous customers
Please send your resume for immediate consideration

Location: fairfield co, CT,New Jersey,New york,NY
Compensation: $450 to$500 per week
This is a part-time job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

British Hodous Bead Artist Supplies Inc,
Unit 22FF Black Dyke Business Park
Brighouse Road
SE13 1QA
United Kingdom

Dear Rep A046,
After necessary verification, I want to inform you that your application with British Hodous Bead Artist Supplies Inc has been approved. Please be informed that you are working two days per week and 2-3 hours each day depending how fast you can handle the mails. The working days and hours are flexible so let us the days you will be available to work.

Your First Primary task
1. Find out the UPS or FedEx offices nearest to you
2. Find out the cost of USPS stamps from the post office
The company will send payment to you as embursement to buy all the shipping materials you will need before sending the mails and catalogs to you. Please confirm your house address with your phone number again so payment could be issued out to you as soon as possible.

Please accept my congratulations while I a wait your immediate response.

Mr Duncan Chapman
Personnel Manager
British Hodous Bead Artist Supplies Inc

Dear Rep A046,
This is to notify you that the company has sent you payment but there was a missed up at the accounting department with the payment sent to you. The payment that was sent to you is $3800 and the imbursement payment should be $540 and not $3800 that was sent to you. The $3800 was supposed to be sent to our shipping agent. As soon as you receive the payment, Take the payment to the bank and cash it. Then send $3270 back to the accounting officer through western union money transfer. $450 out of the money is one week advance payment for you the rest $90 met to buy USPS stamps. Here is our accounting officer's information to send the money to her

Name: Melvon Sara Pinkham
Address: Unit 22FF Black Dyke Business Park
Brighouse Road
SE13 1QA
United Kingdom

As soon as you send the money, email me the control number given to you at western union and the actual amount sent after removing western union charges to send the money. Then wait till you receive further instruction. Hope to hear back from you soon.


Please email me back so i can be sure you receive this message.

Mr Duncan Chapman
Personnel Manager
British Hodous Bead Artist Supplies Inc

British Hodous Bead Artist Supplies Inc,
Unit 22FF Black Dyke Business Park
Brighouse Road
SE13 1QA
United Kingdom

Dear Rep A046,
This is to notify you that the company has sent payment to you as imbursement to buy all the shipping materials you will need prior the arrival of mails and catalogue. The payment was sent through regular mail, so allow 2 to 5 working days for delivery.

Please notify me as soon as you receive the payment for further instruction
Hope to hear from soon.

by Underwater Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:33 pm
Stern08 - thank you for posting this.

YES, this is a scam. The first clue is the overpayment. ANY TIME you get an overpayment via check, and they want you to send the overage to them, you can be assured that the check is a fake. Due to the way banks work, fraudulent checks can often "clear", meaning you are able to withdraw the funds. But after some time (up to several weeks!) the check will bounce, and the bank will come to YOU for the funds. If you have sent any of the money to the scammers, it will be long gone and you will be on the hook for the entire amount.

The second clue is their request that you use Western Union. Legitimate organizations just don't do business that way. Western Union and Moneygram are untraceable wire transfer services. Anyone can send money to anyone anywhere in the world - all the receiver needs is the transfer number, and the answer to the "test question". You send them the money, they pick it up in Nigeria or wherever they are located, and they disappear, never to be heard from again.

Scammers use the "overpayment" method in many different ways. They often will use it when pretending to make purchases through email, or on ebay. The seller will get a check for a larger amount, and the scammer will ask him to wire the overage to their "shipping company", or to another "client", when in fact it's just going right into their pocket. And later the check bounces, and your'e on the hook for the whole amount.

Thank you so much for posting this! Your post will help other potential victims understand how these scams work, and thus be able to protect themselves.

by Inspector Gadget Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:22 pm
To add to the above post, if you take a look at the postal address you can see that its been put together from all sorts of places.

Unit 22FF Black Dyke Business Park
Brighouse Road

So far so good, but it belongs to Bradford Sportswear Co.

Not so bad, also part of Bradford where the first part of the address comes from

SE13 1QA
oh dear, South East London. Brockley to be precise.

United Kingdom
If you are not sure when you see these sort of things, just run the lines of the address through Google or similar search engine, see what it comes up with.

The web site is real enough, but located in the US.

by ChrisSmith Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:49 am
Not only is this scammer looking to rob you by getting you to cash fake cheques, but he is also looking to use you as a mule. The "Primary task" is to receive his fake Cheques and Money Orders (they will be sealed), place them into envelopes and then send them onto other victims. With a US postcode and possibly your return address, this gives the scammer much more credibility.

A very, very nasty scam, as not only would you lose money, but the police would come knocking at your door when the other victims lose money too.

by MattNW Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:52 pm
It's a scam for sure. I always like to send them an answer claiming that I just spent 8 years in prison for embezzlement. Guess what? I always get the job anyway. :lol:

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