Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by franz14 Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:01 am
Good Day,

I want to let you know of myself so that you will be rest assured of whom you are transacting with. I am married with two children Liu my daughter and Lee my son; I have sent you my family picture now for you to see. My address is #1, Fortune Garden , 20 Wing Ting Road , Ngan Chi Wan, Kln, and Hong Kong . I have lived here for the last 13years; it is not ideal to have your documents send via mailing you can scan and attached or still send via email.

I have really invested much in this transaction so I will please tell you to accept the 30% of the total funds that I have intend to give to you. For your information I will be coming over to your country for my share of the funds, once the funds credit your account at the bank that we will be using for this transaction.

Please endeavor to keep this transaction confidential, Please do not discuss it with anybody, I have a 22year career with my bank (Hang Seng) and I don? Intend to ruin all that. I really can’t wait till the funds leave my bank because I have not been able to sleep nor eat properly for the past days. Attach to this email is my work ID and my family pictures for your reference.

Well if I may remind you again, you are required to send at least a copy of your Driver's License "or" a copy of your International Passport. Besides, it is the copy of your Driver's License or International Passport that will be used by the Attorney have all the necessary documentations perfected.

The most important issue is that I want to be sure I am transacting with the correct person, I believe these information would be enough to confirm you interest.
Best Regards,
Song Li

by franz14 Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:02 am
Good Day

Thank you for your response and your interest to assist me in this transaction. Like I said before, due to this issue on my hands now, it became necessary for me to seek your assistance, I appreciate the fact that you are ready to assist me in executing this project, and also you will help me in investing my money in your country, I am quite certain about that. You should not have anything to worry about, I will do everything legally required to ensure that the project goes smoothly, it shall pass through all Laws of International Banking, and you have my word. Having resolved to entrust this transaction into your hands, I want to remind you that, it needs your commitment and diligent follow up. If you work seriously, the entire transaction should be over in a couple of days.


Firstly, I will want to know precisely the type of occupation that you do and how old you are, you should note that this project is highly capital intensive, this is why I have to be very careful, I need your total devotion and trust to see this through. I know we have not met before, but I am very confident that we will be able to establish the necessary trust that we need to execute this project.
I am now in contact with a foreign online bank; I now intend that you open an account in your name in this foreign bank. The money would be transferred to your account which you will open in the bank for both of us, this is the best way, I have found, it will protect us from my bank. I want us to enjoy this money in peace when we conclude. So you should listen to my instructions and follow them religiously.

Also you have to know that I cannot transfer this money in my name as my bank will be aware that it is from me, this is where I need you. As result of this, you will have to open an account in the corresponding bank. I will obtain a certificate of deposit from this my bank, it will be issued in your name, and this will make you the bonfire owner of the funds. After this, the money will be banked online for both of us. We can then instruct the bank to transfer our various shares into our respective home bank accounts.

I will also perfect the documentations with the assistance of my attorney to give the transaction the legal right. Before I commence, I will need you to send me a copy of any form your identification (Driver's license Work ID or International passport) and your current address. I want to be sure that I am transacting with the correct person. As soon as I get these from you, I will commence the paper work. I hope you will understand why I need all these, the money in question is big and I want to ensure that I know you well before I proceed to give you all the details to commence the project, I will also send you my Work Identification and my family picture upon receipt of your identification. I will send the name and contact details of the bank so that you can commence communication with them. Ensure that you keep this project confidential; do not discuss it with anybody, because of the confidential nature of this transaction and my work.

Please reply soonest.
Li Song
by Ralph Wed Dec 16, 2009 9:48 am
Hi Franz

Welcome to Scamwarners

Thank you for posting these scam emails, could you please also post email addresses phone numbers or any other information you may have

If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask

I have also moved the post to advanced fee fraud as while there is a pretend banker, there is no fake bank website, this falls into Advanced fee fraud
by franz14 Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:53 am
?? Lili Song [email protected] Removed these "<>" to make the email address searchable - Ralph
???? 15 ??????? 2009 ?. 5:34
???? Identity Required
???????? yahoo.com.hk
by franz14 Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:13 pm
should i give him my ID or otherwise contact? does it help to find him?
by Ralph Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:52 pm
Please dont give him any personal details of yours.

His information and proof of the scam which from the emails I can see you have
by franz14 Thu Dec 17, 2009 5:04 am
Good Day

My name is Mr. Song Li. I work with the Hang Seng Bank. There is a sum of $19,500,000.00 in my bank Hang Seng Bank", Hong Kong. There were no beneficiaries stated concerning these funds which means no one would ever come to claim it. That is why I ask that we work together.I do solicit for your assistance in effecting this transaction.I intend to give 30% of the total funds as
compensation for yourassistance. I will notify you on the full transaction on
receipt of your response if interested, and I shall send you the
details and necessary procedures with which to make the transfer.

E-mail; [email protected]

Should you be interested? Please send me your:

1. Full names
2. Private phone number
3. Current residential address

Kind Regards,
Mr. Song Li.

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