by began steele
Sat Sep 29, 2012 5:30 pm
From an informer. Not sure how it works save it probably is money laundering against unpaid cheque, and a scam nonetheless
Louis B (Beullard)
email: [email protected]
yahoo id address: [email protected]
phone: 301-883-1480
Louis B (Beullard)
email: [email protected]
yahoo id address: [email protected]
phone: 301-883-1480
On Chat today...9/27/2012
was surprised we never spoke hardly and asked me to go online to some payment center and put 2,000.00 dollars in it...however that works...if he gives me any more info I asked for will forward later....
Show Recent Messages (F3)
Louis Bellard: Hello xxxx?
xxx: Hello Louis I am only online for a few more minutes I am stressed now
Louis Bellard: Good
xxx: okay how are you today? going to stop for lunch be back later we need more time to chat
Louis Bellard: k
xxx: ty
Louis Bellard: Can u open Gopayment online for me
xxx: what is that ?? never heard of it louis tell me about it
Louis Bellard: Yes Gopayment Online Just Register it online
xxx: and then what
xxx: you are asking me to do something I am not familiar with so explain
Louis Bellard: Someone want to send 2,000$ to it then you will SEND IT TO ME hERE
xxx2: okay I will try I will go offline and do it is there any info I need to add into it when I go online to it???
xxx: louis if you do not answer now I am going offline
xxx: are you being a jerk now?
Louis Bellard has signed out. (9/27/2012 12:07 PM)
Last message received on 9/27 at 11:59 AM
We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.