Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris Fuller Mon Dec 28, 2009 8:26 pm
This is a scam: it was not sent from the British Airport Authority, nor even from Britain - it was sent from Nigeria. The telephone number, like all telephone numbers that begin with +44 70, is not a normal British telephone number, but a Redirect number, which redirects anywhere in the world, including to Nigeria.

The scammer will require fees to complete delivery of the boxes of money. But neither the boxes nor the money really exist. There is nothing waiting to be delivered to you. It is a scam.

IP Address: - Lagos, Nigeria (mail actually sent from Yahoo, not Gmail).

from British Airport Authority <[email protected]>
reply-to [email protected]
date Mon, Dec 28, 2009
subject Attention: The Beneficiary (From:British Airport Authority)

BAA Airports Limited
The Compass Centre
Nelson Road
London Heathrow Airport
TEL :+447011135725
EMAIL: [email protected]

Attention: The Beneficiary


Notification for the arrival of Three boxes in your name.

This is British Airport Authority, the world's leading airport company. We wish to inform you that two boxes containing (US$5 Million) Five Million United States Dollars only have been received through our Heathrow Airport in your name as appeared on the tag attached to the boxes.

In view of that, we are contacting you to ascertain the correctness of the name that appears on the tag and also inform you that the boxes have since been deposited with the UK Treasury Insurance Authority for safe keeping pending the outcome of this contact.

As soon as we hear from you, we shall proceed to deliver the boxes to you without any delay.

For your kind co-operation is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Paul Terry
Direct Tel. no. +Tel:+447011135725
Direct EMAIL: [email protected]

by David Jansen Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:18 pm
Allso got one of those. Same contents, different name, (redirect) phone number and email address. Even more proof it's a scam. Thesame IP address so it's from thesame scammer.

"BRITISH AIRPORT AUTHORITY" <[email protected]> [Add]
undisclosed recipients: ;
Tue, 29 Dec 2009 6:43 PM (2 hours 35 mins ago)


Notification for the arrival of two boxes in your name.

This is BRITISH AIRPORT AUTHORITY, the world's leading airport company. We wish to inform you that two boxes containing US$2.5 Million each totaling US$5 Million only have been received through our Heathrow Airport in your name as appeared on the tag attached to the boxes.

In view of that, we are contacting you to ascertain the correctness of the name that appears on the tag and also inform you that the boxes have since been deposited with the UK Treasury Insurance Authority for safe keeping pending the outcome of this contact.

As soon as we hear from you, we shall proceed to deliver the boxes to you without any delay.

For your kind co-operation is highly appreciated.

Best regards,

Williams Hammer.

[email protected]
Direct Line +44 7024045813

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by Arnold Tue Dec 29, 2009 5:30 pm
The British Airport Authority owns several airports and does not interest itself with day to day matters such as cargo deliveries.
The "UK Treasury Insurance Authority" does not exist. It's a recent invention by scammers, and I expect we'll see more of it.

by KeithP Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:20 am
I recently received a similar message. Surely these scammers cannot think anyone believes that boxes of money are available for collection!
NB One thing I have noted that points to any immediate scam - no grasp of correct English grammar.
by AlanJones Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:37 am
Hi keithp and welcome to ScamWarners.

Sadly some people do fall for scams such as this and all the scammer needs is one believer for the hundreds of emails he sends out to make it worth their while.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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