Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:40 pm
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Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2012 22:42:15 +0100 (BST)
From: Fatima Musa <[email protected]>
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Subject: hello dear
To: [redacted]
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Hello My Dear,

Compliment of the day, i hope you are doing well and feeling fine
and healthy. My name is Fatima Musa, i am single girl searching
for friend, never married, tall and fair in complexion,
I know you will be surprise when you will receive this
letter on how do I got your Email ID, but I don’t want
you to be afraid.
Well, I got your Email ID through Yahoo Google Search after I
have prayed to Almighty God to show me an honest and
sincere person who will be my friend. And God review to
me that you are the right person who can be mine friend.
I hope that I will match your type, if you can give me
the chance I would like to know you better, since religion,
distance and age doesn’t matter to me.

I saw your mail contact info today, i become interested
in knowing you & being friendly with you.
I would appreciate if we get acquainted as
soon as possible my respected, I am in trouble and need your help. If possible i will like you to adopt me as your daughter. I decided to establish contact with you for assistance, I write you with my desire to investi in your country.I am the only child of my parents. My late father , was a Gold & Diamond dealer in my country , But now i am suffering as my parents was assassinated In TriPoli Libya ,

When my father was alive,he deposited,$4.7Million United States Dollars which he deposited with a bank. Meanwhile, i have contacted the bank,and have also discussed the possible release of the fund, But the management of the bank told me that my father left a clause that i must introduce a trusted foreign partner who would stand as my trustee to help me invest this fund hence the need for your assistance.

I request that you be my trustee and assist me in effecting the transfer of the fund to your account or an account you will nominate for investment under your care.

Please,if you want to help me provide the below requirements to enable me present it to the bank for the onward transfer of my fund to your position.
1.Your Full name 2. Your contact address of house /office
3.Your mobile phone number & fax number.
4.your full standing photo

I will send to you all the legal proofs of the funds as soon as I get your concrete assurance of helping me out of this troubles ok,Stay blessed

if you can not help me out of this ugly situation,
just let me know in time ,so that i will know that you
don't have the interest to help an orphan like me!
Yours truly,
Fatima Musa

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