Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:40 pm
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Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 04:12:58 +0800 (CST)
From: Mr James Mark <[email protected]>
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DollarsDollars Dollars

Attention Beneficiary,

This is to officially informed you that we have concluded arrangements to effect your payment of $800,000 USD through WESTERN UNION Swift Money transfer services today, but the maximum amount you will be receiving every day starting from tomorrow is $5,000.00 as reflected in our transfer system daily until the funds is completely transferred.

This special arrangement is being used to avoid all scrupulous demands by both the states and federal authorities that have previously delayed your payment till date; we shall need your maximum co-operation to ensure that strictness and confidence is maintained to avoid any further delays.You are to discard any request asking you to send money to any agency such as courier company,Bank and Security Agency as there are no such and any money committed there will be regretted, so be wise.

The above arrangement has been signed and endorsed by UNITED NATION (UN), EUROPEAN UNION (EU) given credence that this transaction is devoid of any form form of illegality.

Please contact the Accredited WESTERN UNION Agent for the details of your first payment of $5,000 USD and reconfirm your correct details that you will like the first transfer to be program with such as Receivers Name, destination where you will like the transfer to be send to and your cell phone number for urgent communication if the need arise.

Fill your details below for reference purposes:
*NAME OF CUSTOMER: .........
*ADDRESS: ..........
*COUNTRY: .................
*TEL: .....................
*OCCUPATION: ..............

Remember your obligation to secure an International Remittance Form as stated in United Nation act of (FRT209) that will help build and renew your transfer file for record keeping as a way of checkmating the present Economics crisis situations.

Contact the below Electronic Transfer unit of WESTERN UNION for immediate programing of your first transfer:

Name: Mr Robert Warren.
Mobile: +919582942349
Email: ( [email protected] )

Thanks and God Bless!

Western Union Online Coordinator

Mr James Mark [email protected]

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