Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:40 pm
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Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 19:26:50 +0100 (BST)
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Dearest Respectful One.

I am writing you this message with tears and sorrow of what political crisis has caused to me and pleasefor God’s sake I want you to consider this my proposition and rescue meout of this critical condition that I am facing here because my life isat stake in this country.

My name is Ms Melenie james 20 years of age and the only child of late Mr. & Mrs.Edwared james. Weare from Duekiue town being the highest Cocoa producing town in Coted’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) here but lives in Abidjan the economic capital of the country. My late father use to be one of the famous and wealthy Cocoa producers here before he was shut with my mother on the 4th March 2011 in our house by the rebels loyal to Mr. Alassane Dramane Ouattara because my late father use to be a well known supporter of the exarrested president Mr. Laurent Gbagbo, oh may their gentle souls restin peace.
Myparents were shut by the rebels right in my present in our house by 2:30 pm after we took our lunch together and decided to take some rest. My mother died instant while my father died in the hospital where hewas rushed to after 48 hours. Before my father finally gave up theghost he secretly told me that there is an amount of U$3,500,000,00 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand United StateDollars) which he left in a suspense account in a bank here in Abidjan with my name as the next of kin of the deposit of the fund.
Hegave me an outstanding instruction that incase if he did not survive the situation that I should without delay seek for a God fearing person abroad who can assist me to claim the fund from the bank here and get the money lodged into his or her account and the person must help me to come over his or her country to establish a new life and further my study.

He also invited the bank manager and introduced meto him and instructed him that they should transfer the fund to any foreign account that I may provide to them if he did not survive and the banker agreed with him. My late father has been buried on the 28th of April and considering the killing of innocent people by the supporters of the arrested expresident Mr. Laurent Gbagbo the security of life and properties are no longer guaranteed in this country.

For this reason I seek your assistance in transferring of the fund from the bank here to your account and help me to come over your country to establish new life and further my study while you invest the money in a lucrative business in your country. Please your kind assistance is highly needed in transferring of this fund to your account as I have decided to offer you 15% of the total sum for your kind assistance in getting the money transferred to your account and 5% aside which will cover any incident expenses that may be incurred during the process of transferring of the fund to your account.

I will be sending you the deposit documents of the fund that my latefather handed to me for your perusal as soon as I receives your positive response of your assistance to me in this regards.God bless you as you extends your helping hand to a needy fellow like me.

I will be waiting.
Ms Melenie james.

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