Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:02 pm
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Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 13:11:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Allauddin Muhamadad <[email protected]>
Subject: DETAILS OF THE TRANSACTION +22678626006
To: [redacted]
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Thanks for your reply. I want to assure you that there are no risks involved in this transaction because it is something I studied well as a senior Director in this bank. I did not contact you to put you into any problem of any kind but rather for us to work as one body with Sincerity and claim this dormant fund. Like I stated earlier to you, if there is any risk of any kind I don't think I can risk my job opportunity for something that I am not sure of.

I am still a senior Director in this same bank where the fund will be transferred from to your designated account.I am also here to direct you in all things you are to do. I contacted you because I cannot make this claim alone except with a foreigner .The owner of the account died on July 30th 2000 of a Ghastly motor accident .His name is, Mr. Jin sun of people republic of china He resided here in Burkina Faso .

During our auditing at the bank we discovered the dormant account, the bank recommended that after seven years the fund has to go to the treasury as unclaimed bills. This warranted my search for an honest person who will apply for the fund and claim it so that we share it together as I stipulated before. I have worked here in the bank for a period of time now without achieving anything that is why when I saw this opportunity,

I decided to utilize it. You have no much duty to do as I will be directing You appropriately in every step so that we succeed. If you want more clarifications from me, you can call me on my private telephone number as given before so that I can speak to you.

I have given you a vivid account of all that is involved and think you are supposed to declare your stand to me to enable me know which steps to take because this is an opportunity I can not let go. I want you to know that this transaction is going to join our families together because I will quit my job after the money has been successfully transferred to your account and I make sure I delete all necessary in formations regarding this transaction in the banks file.

I Want you to know that my family will be coming to join you very soon once the transaction gets underway so you have to help me arrange for the visas of some of my family members who will be coming to join you because I have to wait a little after the transfer to avoid quitting my job unceremoniously probably to make the bank suspect me that is why my family will be with you first so that you people will withdraw some money and commence on some investments under your supervision.

I have an advice for you please, I don't want you to leak this secret to anybody so that our secret will be forever to avoid any body knowing how we made our money. I am just an average civil servant here in the bank and wouldn't like to miss this Golden opportunity before me I want you to tell me more about your status because I am beginning to take you like a partner that is why I would like you to do your best and call me once you receive this mail so that we talk to each other for better understanding.

As soon as I hear from you I will send you the text of application which you will fill and send to the bank, desk of the director of foreign remittance department of our bank so that when he sees it, the bank will contact you through your email or fax as that will be the contact address which you will put in the application form.

You can also send full information's including fax numbers so that the bank can contact you through any In all your correspondences with the bank, don't let the bank know that you have any contact with me as that may create room for suspicion. I am waiting to get a call from you and believe that we are going to be successful. Don't worry for this shall be our time. I hope you will continue in your honesty while I promise to do my best to see that we are victorious at last.

We don't need to delay so much because the bank has already made it clear that this fund will be transferred to the reserve bank of Burkina Faso by the end of this fiscal year auditing. Please advise me on areas of investment in your country. if there is anything urgent, you can always call me and do not forget that this transaction will not last more than eight banking days once you follow my instructions.

Best Regards

Allauddin Muhamadad.

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