Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Tue Nov 20, 2012 1:49 pm
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zenith [email protected]
zenith HeightsPlot 87 Ajose Adeogun Street,
Benin Republic .

Attn:Payment Notification,

zenith [email protected]

This is to inform you that i found your ATM CARD with out re-activation in our office, i just paid the re-activation fees and send it to the DHL office to delivered it to your address in other to meet up cashless money all over the world, the ATM CARD 8119 worth $1,000,000,00 USA has less than two munths to expire and if expired the money will go into government pocket, and that is the reason why i paid the charges because i know when you get your ATM defnitely you will pay me back my money and even compaset me, after recieving your ATM you will also recieve form that you will fill for on line banking to become our customer at ZENITH BANK every where you are in the world;

Now i want you to contact DHL Delivery Service with your Full Contact informations so that they can deliver your Card to your designated address without any delay. Like i stated earlier, The delivery charges has been paid but i did not pay their official keeping fees since they refused, and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and dumurrage might have increase.

They told me that their keeping fees is $100usd per day,

Contact Person: Rev. Daniel Odoh
DHL Delivery Service
Email: ( [email protected])
Tel: +229 66598704
Contact them Today to avoid increase of their keeping fees and let me know once you receive your Card so that you will reieve form to become our customer.
Barrister .Smth Um


zenith [email protected]

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