Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:38 pm
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Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2012 14:41:28 +0000 (GMT)
From: fatim kartono <[email protected]>
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Subject: Good day .
To: [redacted]
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Good day .

I will be glad to hear from you I am from Ivory Coast in West Africa and presently I am residing in the refugee camp here in Lome Togo as a result of the civil war going on in my country. My late husband Mr Samuel Kartono was a political adviser and cocoa merchant before the rebels attacked our house one early morning killed my husband and one of my son.

We managed to make our way to Lome Togo where we are living now in a refugee camp. I am sending this e-mail in the office of our Reverend Sister. She has been so kind to me and my son since we arrive here in Togo. It is on this note that I am contacting you, all I need from you is to assist me to transfer this money in your private bank account, the said amount is (US$ (nine million two Hundred us dollars).I will give you 30% of the total amount as your commission for assisting us in transference the money.

My late husband Mr Samuel Kartono gave me the Certificate of Deposit issued to him by the bank on the date he deposited the money in the bank so upon your acceptance I will send it to you for clarification,My husband got the money from selling of cocoa because he was cocoa merchant.

I will be grateful if you send to me your

1,telephone number

2,Your email address

I am looking forward to your reply my regards to your family and remain bless.

Yours Sincerly

Mrs fatim Kartono

Reply to this email address [email protected]

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