Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:32 pm
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Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 17:50:04 +0000 (GMT)
From: FINBANK INT'L PLC <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Dear beneficiary, contact EMS Courier Company today. by email below: [email protected]
To: [redacted]
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Dear Beneficiary


This is to bring to your notice that because of the impossibility of your fund transfer through the Bank to Bank Transfer and Via Western Union network, we have credited your total of usd$1.8Millon Dollars Only valid fund into an (ATM Card Number 506119102227445160) and I have paid the re-activation fee and the delivery of the ATM Card To you,I paid it because the ATM Card worth of usd$1,800,000.00 which I have registered since on Wednesday for delivery has less than One Month to expire in the custody of the EMS Company and when it expires, the ATM CARD money will go into Federal Government treasury account as unclaimed funds package.

Therefore With that we decided to help you pay off the money so that the ATM Card will not expire, because I trust that when you receive your package ATM Card definitely you must pay me back my money and even compensate me for helping you Now I want you to contact EMS Express at:( [email protected] ) With your physical address you desire the delivery to be made to you so that they can deliver your ATM Card to your designated address without any delay and that will be 4days from now.

Like I stated earlier, the crediting re-activation,delivery charges and the company registration charges has been paid by me, but we did not pay their official security keeping fees since they refused,they refused and the reason is that they do not know when you are going to contact them and the demurrage might have increased by then, They told me that their Official Security keeping fees is usd$45.00 per day only,and I deposited it on Friday 14th of December,2012.

Below is the Contact Information of the EMS, Express Customer Service Director MR.JERRY BROWN, Email Address online: ( [email protected] ) Tel: +2348096441901, Contact them today and also send them the official security keeping charge to avoid increase of their fees and let me know once you receive your ATM card, Important Notice, your ATM CARD package was registered as a gift so that the delivery agent will not know the content of your package okay and remember will have already paid the Delivery and other clearance charges such as insurance and permit fee.

Below is the Registration Information's of your ATM CARD SHIPMENT,

SECURITY CODE SCAT/2012fedex/396/

Your faithfully
Mrs. Linda Faith
Acting Manager of Finbank Int'l Plc
Dear beneficiary, contact EMS Courier Company today. by email below: [email protected]

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