Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Jillian Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:28 pm
Jane Holt <[email protected]> wrote:
This letter is personal, intimate and confidential. Forgive this unusual manner of contacting you, but this is the only option i have.
There will absolutely be great doubt and distrust in your heart in respect of this email, coupled with the fact that so many miscreants have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds,
thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine purposes.

There is no other way for me to know whether I will be properly understood, but I have to reach out to someone. For I know that there will be one that can be trusted.

I am Mrs. Jane Holt,wife of late mr John Holt.i am 47years old with no children. I have been presently diagnosed with severe lungs cancer and my doctor says it will be a miracle if i exceed thirty days.
My late husband whom died of heart attack was a bussiness mogul in Asia. Until recently, I discovered he deposited a huge amount of money in Europe and with my present condition I cannot withstand the procedures involved in acquiring this money.
All i request from you,is a letter of guarantee stating that if this fund is eventually in your possession,85% percent of it shall be donated to charity.

If you are honest,capable,trust worthy and interested I would require the following informations from you:

1.your full name.
5.Tel/Fax Number.

If I happen to be pleased with your informations, I shall forward your mail to the attorney that will handle the Change Of Ownership.

Bless You As i shall be waiting for your response on any of the below email address.

[email protected]
[email protected]

Mrs.Jane Holt.

Note that this scammer also uses the name Jane Holt as a 20 year old orphan, trying to claim her late father's estate.

Good Day,

This letter is personal, intimate and confidential. Forgive this
unusual manner of contacting you, but this is the only option i have.
There will absolutely be great doubt and distrust in your heart in
respect of this email, coupled with the fact that so many miscreants have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds,
thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine purposes.

There is no other way for me to know whether I will be properly
understood, but I have to reach out to someone. For I know that there will be one that can be trusted.

My Name Is Jane Holt From Dublin In United Kingdom,Am 20 years old,i lost my parent on plane crash early this year, Before the death of my dad,he told me about some fund saved in my name at one finance and security company in Eaurope,though i had been given mandate that before i could have access to the fund i must be 25years of age.Presently am still 20years,i need lot of fund to continue my education,i was chaseout of my class last week because of the fact that am yet to pay some fee in school.My purpose or writting this message is to seek for your assistance in claiming my inherittance fund for me in eaurope in order to have some fund to pay my school fee and all order fee needed to move my education forward.

I am the beneficiarry to the fund save in eaurope by my late dad,i have the legal right to present anyone above 25years to claim the inherittance on my behalf,the money deposited in my name by my late dad is $US2.5million,i will be glad to comply with your percentage in order to have the fund claim for me to further my education.
I hope to hear from you as soon as possible.


[email protected]

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