Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:26 am
This email is randomly sent out to many people in teh hope that some may try to secure this deal for themselves.

The scammer will have you believe that if only you pay some fees you will be rewarded with a huge amount of money.

The problem is that the money described does not exist, its a scam and the fees you will be asked for will never end.

Please do not reply

Jean Alain

774, Avenue St Michel
Cotonou, R Benin
Tel: +22995699000

We were very delighted when you took your precious time to write us despite the spreading of scam in the Internet nowadays. We sincerely appreciated your response to our proposal and we were looking forward to have a deal with you, but your sudden silence is amazing us. Could you tell us what could be the reason of your silence? We await your response, please.

Be informed that after the seizure of her husband s money by Swiss banks, she has decided to deposit this fund in a security and finance company as a consignment, which she declared as her private belongings.
Also, fortunate enough, The West African Monetary Agency just sent a letter of notification of payment to her lawyer for their promptitude to pay her overdue contract fund. Her company, Atlantic Construction Company Ltd was awarded a contract for the construction of local roads in the capital territory. The contract was carried out and accomplished. Part of the contract value was paid to the company and the balance was left unpaid till date.

She cannot make use of these funds in her country due to the attitude of her country government towards her family. She is suggesting investing the funds overseas in long-term investments such as:
1. Real estate,
2. Housing development,
3. Business subsidiaries or dealership for larger business.

Please, this is risk free deal I am not instigating you to become maybe a conspirator in a crime. This is going to be legally processed and will protect you against any breach of law.

Best regards,
Jean Alain.

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