Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:36 pm
From Stella Jonta Tue Feb 9 19:43:58 2010
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Subject: from miss stella jonta
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2010 15:13:58 -0430
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Hello Dear
I am staying in a refugee camp here in the city of Ouagadougou, burkina faso in West Africa. This Refugee camp is headed by a missionary reverend father and his name is (Reverend Father Anthony Williams) whom I used his office computer to send you this email and I only enter his office when he is less busy.

My late father of blessed memory was into oil business in Sudan and he deposited the sum of $4,700,000.00 Million USD (Four Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars) with security comapany in cote d'ivore in which he deposited it and instruct the security company that his forigne partner will come for it later . Unfortunately now that he is dead and I have to inherit the money having lost all members of my family in the war in my country. Also the security company does not knows the package keeping with them is contains cash.Because it was seal and it can only be open with code key.I have the code key information with me as of present.

When I arrived Burkina Faso I sent an email to the security company telling them that my father is dead. They demanded for the Certificate of deposite Then I gave them the certificate as demanded. They also asked me if I have the original copy of the Deposit Certificate , I gave them with the information my father used in depositing. The security company then confirmed that the two documents are okay.

The security company now explain to me the instruction my late father give to them.Now they ask me to have my late father forigne partner contact them which is no where to be find, That is the reason why I contacted you to receive the money for me so that from the money you can send me some part of the money to get my travelling documents to travel and meet you in your country to continue my university education.

Or in the alternative, if you can help me to get the Camp clearance papers and Passport to come and join you in your country then on my arrival I will apply directly to the security company by myself so that they will get the money delivered to us in your country. It is now left for you to choose which option you prefer to help me.

I am 23 years old and was doing my 1st year in Ahfad University for Women (AUW). Here is the website of my school http://www.ahfad.org/ during the heat of the war in my country Sudan, my parents and my brother was killed by rival ethnic group and our house was burnt down with my family inside it. I am safe because I was living in a hostel at the university. When I recovered from trauma I decided to come here in Ouagadougou to take refuge.

I promised to entrust the entire money in your care for your kindness, love and assistance, while I continue my university education over there in your country. these are the reason why I contacted you and I know you will help me out of this situations as I manage to escape from my country of origin SUDAN through the help of the united nations.

Now, I currently in a missionary hostel here in Burkina Faso with some others girls from various parts of the nations who also fall a victim of wars. I am writing you with gesture of my trust, love and respect for you and please do get back to me as soon as you receive this letter and also indicate your interest of helping me by sending to me the follow details below.

Your Full Name....................
Home Address:.....................
Office Address....................
Age:... ...........................
Nationa lity:......................
A Scanned Copy Of Your Photo

Waiting for your positive response and please do see the attach photos of late families. I hope you will sympathised with me and also listen to my cry for help. Like I said in my letter that it is not mandatory that we must be of blood relatives before you can render help to me.

Yours in Bianca,
Ms.stella jonta

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