Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2013 06:17:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: Sarah Mcguir <[email protected]>
Subject: Hello
To: [redacted]
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Hello ,

Thank you for bringing considerable attention to my modest person and I which you also a happy new year 2013, as I told you in my previous email that I would like to make a donation in someone with noble and sincere and very honest. I think that I am not wrong direction by writing this post, because my intuition leads me to you.

Beloved, Today, prayers worth the time, much more precious than gold and diamonds. You would now try to overcome hard times, but know that the Lord is ready to bless you in a way, that is to say in situations where only he can help you to keep faith.


I introduce myself, my name is Mrs. SARAH McGUIR, I am of French origin and married to my husband Mr KIRK ROBERT Arthur American nationality, of glorious memory, with whom I had two children, a girl and a boy Hector Sandrine . I Lost my husband and children in the plane crash that happened in New York. They were on vacation while I was travelling in Benin because I was one Ex consultant my country France in Benin. I was shocked by this bad tragedy happened when I got sick and care for me, I went to London in the UK where my doctor diagnosed my cancer is already in its final stages. After a long discussion with my doctor on my property, he advised me to make a donation of my possessions to help orphans and anyone in a difficult situation. Here in brief the reason for my contacting you to assist me in this project.

I leave you my number in case you need to have information about my health: + 44 70 42 03 58 79


My donation project is to put at your disposal a sum of (€ 2.5 million) that you will use to help orphans and anyone in a difficult situation. I'm almost certain countries in Africa and I was considering building a large orphanage centre, or ash to aid the unemployed to work. Any plans to do, I wish that my goal is accomplished a be the country in which the project will be established. As is said in 2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (Each man should give what he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, whatever you need, you abound in all good works).

Quite confident in God I am convinced after reading that I made your answer, you can of course make my wishes the most expensive in recent hours that make good use of these funds that j ' I made a personal commitment to bequeath you with all the love of God, and I ask you to keep in confidence, because making use of the verse: Matthew 6:1 in the Bible I do not do this gift to be seen well. I also struggled in diseases that push me to come take care of me here in London (England).


Short to take possession of the funds I suggest you contact Barrister Pierre K.WILLIAM by asking him for the procedure needed for the transfer of funds.

Barrister Pierre K.WILLIAM

Bar Order of Cotonou

Tel: +22 998 40 62 40

E-mail: [email protected]

My situation is more stable so you have everything goes as soon as possible. Below my information safe and I require you to E-mail this info to Barrister Pierre K . WILLIAM immediately for urgent arrangement of this donation. After turn contacted me know.



The Barrister Mr Pierre K.WILLIAM


Just as the beneficiary for the property of Mrs. SARAH McGUIR of French nationality, currently hospitalized at the Royal Mars den Hospital in London, UK. She holds a box in a financial institution, the secret information when filing his chest from a security guard agency is:

Safe Holder: Ms. SARAH McGUIR

Trunk number: 150390 VT

Security code secret ANNEBIBE03036

Contained Trunk: Case Ash

Contained in the kit: GOOD FAMILY

Other Information:


Branch Code: 02088

Filing date of Vault: March 20, 2006.

Also, what is the process that can allow me to take possession of the funds.

NAME: ................................................ .............................

NAME: ................................................ ........................

GENDER: ................................................ .............................

AGE: ................................................ ..............................

FULL ADDRESS: ............................................... .........

COUNTRY: ................................................ ............................

CITY: ................................................ ............................

PHONE: ................................................ .....................

OCCUPATION: ................................................ ...................

ENAMEL: ................................................ ............................

Thank you for your kind understanding.

God bless you.

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