Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Nick Smith Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:04 am
I've been warning an awful lot of victims recently about this very convincing, and therefore prolific scammer. I thought I'd post a little bit about "her" here so that she comes up on google searches that much more often. I'm currently banging out anything between 3 and ten warnings a day.

Aminata Sheriff claims to be a widow living with her children in Iraq. Her husband left several million dollars to her in a bank account in Burkina Faso. She appeals to peoples better nature to help her get out of tough living conditions, and is extremely good at tugging the heart strings of those that are willing to help.
She will eventually introduce you to her banker, Gogo Manga of the BACB bank, and a Barrister called Adama Couliblay, who are all very friendly and eager to help.

In reality, the parts of all 3 characters are played by the same man in the comfort of his home in Burkina Faso. He will eventually ask for fees to cover some unforseen problem, and then dissappear with your money. Learn how to check IP origins, it will show you that Aminata and Gogo and Adama are all writing from the same computer.

If you hear from Aminata Sheriff at all, CEASE CONTACT. Some of "her" victims have left it too late, expressing doubts about the story to start with, stating clearly that they can not part with money for her, only to fall for the charming story some months later and to pay out anyway.

Remember, these people are criminals, do not enter into communications with them.

Here is a copy of "Aminatas" latest ID that she sends out.


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