Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris Fuller Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:53 pm
The website link in this email directs to a BBC News story about Captain Michael Dung Nguyen being charged with stealing nearly $700,000 and sending it back home to the US.

In this scam mail, the scammer claims to be Captain Nguyen's brother, and states that Captian Nguyen moved $18 million to Europe. The scammer says he now wishes to transfer this $18 million to the recipient of this email, and share 25% with them.

If this part of the events was true, it would not be a wise move to get involved with this! However, it is not true, it is the invention of the scammer. The scammer is not Captain Nguyen's brother; he is not writing from the US, but from Nigeria; and he certainly does not have any access to or connection with $18 million.

He will later request some type of fees or payment, saying these are essential requirements before the money can be transferred. The money, however, does not exist, so no transfer will ever be made, and no 25% share will ever be received.

IP Address: - Lagos, Nigeria

From: "Mr. Frederick Nguyen." <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: undisclosed recipients
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010
Subject: Can I trust you?

Good day Sir,

My name is Frederick Nguyen, elder brother to Captain Michael Dung Nguyen serving with US Army who is currently under detention for allegedly moving a large sum of money during his service in Iraq. You can read more of the story on this BBC website:


During my visit to my younger brother in detention, he revealed to me that he moved a sum of Eighteen Million United State Dollars. (US$18,000,000.00) to a very secure place in Europe and this amount is confidentially secured and have not been discovered by the government. Due to the current investigation by the US government, all members of our family is currently been monitored and all our financial transaction restricted that is why am seeking your assistant as a outsider to receive and invest the fund without disclosing our identity.

Upon the receipt of the fund, the total amount will be shared as follows; 25% for you (for assisting us receive the fund); 5% will be added to you making it a total of 30% for all expenses you incurred during the process of receiving the fund while you will be required to invest 70% of our share in lucrative business of your choice pending when the investigation is over.

NOTE: All profit you made from the investment of the 70% will be share 50% for you and 50% for us while the capital remains for the our family.

Please note this message is very confidential and should not be discuss with third party unless when necessary after my approval, so if you are interested, you are requested to reply and send your details immediately to enable us proceed. There is no risk whatsoever as all correspondence will be under proper legal documentation.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Frederick Nguyen.

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