Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by tmp Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:09 pm
here is the full body:I think it is a scam..any comments


Thanks for your prompt responses. Sorry my response came in rather late, I have been busy rounding up many things at the office but I am very okay with the price. I am Sarah Williams, from USA but lived and has been working in China for few years now. Below is a bit about me.

Age: 28
Sex: Female
Citizenship: USA
Religion: Catholic
Marital Status: Single
Hobbies: Just hanging out
Drinking/Drugs/Smoking: Social Drinker don't do drugs nor smoke
Occupation: Sales Rep
Annual Income: Over $25,000US

I will be coming over to the state later this month or early next month for vacation, I want to know how many months you want to lease for because I intend to stay for 2-5months though am open to any kind of lease you are offering. I will want you to send me some pictures if you have any so I can forward it to my Dad to see the room because he is presently on his vacation. The payment option is by check and its not a problem at all because he will be highly responsible for all the expenses. All I have to do is to confirm the availability including the utilities and then get it sent to him including the information's in which the payment will be issued on so he could make payments down for the first month's rental fee. So all I require is for you to send me your...

FULL ADDRESS (includes city, state and postal code):
RENT FEE for the first month:

I will wait to have this information from you so that my Dad can make payment for the rental fee and security deposit in advance. If there is any application for me, send it via email and I will fill it and bring it along with me when am coming over.. I will want you to consider the room/apt/house rented.
Hope to hear back from you.

For credit/background checks, you can call my boss or check with our company for confirmation. I also have 2 referees so you can check for my past records as I am simple person to live with.

1. Mr Jamal J.
CEO, Jamal Ventures LTD.
+44 7045780120 (Relationship - Boss)

Quotes added for clarity - Michelle

by AlanJones Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:45 pm
Based on the poor grammar and the use of a +44 70 (personal redirect) phone number, I would say that it is a scam.

If you can post the headers of the email (remove your personal details) then we can possibly find out where the email was actually sent from.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by tmp Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:43 pm
by DonnyBman Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:18 am
I got that exact same letter and several others that look just like it

To get rid of them is simple send back this

Before we can procede any further we must clear a single point

No checks are accepted for this transaction unless they are drawn on a US based bank that has a branch in our area Only certified funds in the form of a certified check or US postal money order.
No Funds over and above the rent will be accepted or sent to anyone, If an amount over the rent and or deposit is remited it will be held in escrow until you arrive. should someone be paying your travel expenses instruct them to issue seperate funds for this.
As I am sure your aware several scams of this nature have surfaced and this is meerly a security precaution
I will also need your contact information including
1. Telephone number
2. Current Address
3. Current Landlords contact information including telephone number

When I send this I never hear another word
by Ralph Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:25 am
Hi DonniBman and Welcome to Scamwarners,

We actually find it is much better to simply ignore them, if they get a response they will try again with another format :wink:

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