by Guiguy
Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:58 pm
Authentication-Results:; spf=none (sender IP is [email protected]; dkim=none; x-hmca=none
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Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900);
Thu, 7 Feb 2013 09:24:42 -0800
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-5
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Received: (qmail 59752 invoked by uid 60001); 7 Feb 2013 17:24:38 -0000
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Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:24:38 GMT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 001.001,DQoNCkRlYXIgRnJpZW5kLA0KCg0KCkZyb20gTXJzIFRpbWVyIEphY2sgRG91Z2xhcyxJIGFtIHdyaXRpbmcgd2l0aCBteSBwZXJzb25hbCByZXNwZWN0IHdpdGggcmVnYXJkcyB0byBZb3VyIHJlcG9zZWQgcGVyc29uYWxpdHkgLyBmaXJtIGFzIGEgcmVsaWFibGUsVHJ1c3R3b3J0aHkgYW5kIEdvZCBmZWFyaW5nLiBJIGdvdCB5b3VyIGNvbnRhY3QgVGhyb3VnaCB0aGUgaGVscCBvZiBjaGFtYmVyIG9mIGNvbW1lcmNlIGluIEFiaWRqYW4gdGhlIENhcGl0YWwgb2YgQ09URSBESVZPSVJFLiBJbiBkZWVkIEkgYW0BMAEBAQE-
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Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 17:24:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: timer <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: URgent Reply
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="453340058-378155287-1360257878=:58172"
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Feb 2013 17:24:42.0253 (UTC) FILETIME=[03FD83D0:01CE0558]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Friend,
=0AFrom Mrs Timer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with r=
egards to Your reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God=
fearing. I got your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abi=
djan the Capital of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOU=
GLAS from Sierra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burk=
ina faso as Refugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Ko=
romah s regime in Sierra Leone.
=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldiers to Restore the presidency=
of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my husband was among the 23 exe=
cuted Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my husband) And our stay in Si=
erra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two children decided to move to COTE D=
IVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burkina Faso for our fafety. Due =
to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was forced to Lodge our family =
funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .
=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, because we=
are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises and attend=
s Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to understand my=
request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overseas country=
through your assistance and Directives.
=0AYou will provide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be=
invested on before proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go=
into an Understanding working agreement because our familys Future now dep=
ends on this money. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all d=
eposited and Registered as a family treasures. This was done for Security r=
easons.We would like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assi=
sting Us. we sincerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner =
and overseer of our proposedInvestment in your country.
=0AWe are prepared to send all the documents regarding to This deposit as s=
oon as you show youre immediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your=
telephone and fax numbers.
=0ABest Regards,
=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><br><br>Dear Friend,<br>=0A<br>=0AFrom Mrs Ti=
mer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with regards to Your=
reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God fearing. I go=
t your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abidjan the Capit=
al of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOUGLAS from Sier=
ra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burkina faso as Re=
fugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Koromah s regime=
in Sierra Leone.<br>=0A<br>=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldie=
rs to Restore the presidency of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my =
husband was among the 23 executed Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my=
husband) And our stay in Sierra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two childr=
en decided to move to COTE DIVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burki=
na Faso for our fafety. Due to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was=
forced to Lodge our family funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .<=
br>=0A<br>=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, =
because we are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises =
and attends Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to und=
erstand my request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overse=
as country through your assistance and Directives.<br>=0A<br>=0AYou will pr=
ovide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be invested on b=
efore proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go into an Under=
standing working agreement because our familys Future now depends on this m=
oney. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all deposited and R=
egistered as a family treasures. This was done for Security reasons.We woul=
d like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assisting Us. we s=
incerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner and overseer o=
f our proposedInvestment in your country.<br>=0A<br>=0AWe are prepared to s=
end all the documents regarding to This deposit as soon as you show youre i=
mmediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your telephone and fax numb=
ers.<br>=0A<br>=0ABest Regards,<br>=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas</td></tr></tab=
Authentication-Results:; spf=none (sender IP is [email protected]; dkim=none; x-hmca=none
X-SID-PRA: [email protected]
X-SID-Result: NONE
X-Message-Status: n:n
X-Message-Delivery: Vj0xLjE7dXM9MDtsPTA7YT0wO0Q9MjtHRD0yO1NDTD00
X-Message-Info: o9rlR4nWDTfJuzYaLPaTpxXWaztvIMm9uNrpmsJzekRTs8Hy6yGzgUlNMa6SBl5/IXufYFf4CKPBY3QrNJAYWX6CXuTI/UYrHMcxk1rS11r1ln+hKL9jZHh2f6Wd9eg3chTkyfkthcGxaDGo3/D79Q==
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.4900);
Thu, 7 Feb 2013 09:24:42 -0800
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 07 Feb 2013 17:24:41 -0000
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-5
X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: [email protected]
Received: (qmail 59752 invoked by uid 60001); 7 Feb 2013 17:24:38 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; t=1360257878; bh=/lOnmUSdKiTF1WyahCzBHe647lNJWiXCQVXNh+mjDx0=; h=X-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Rocket-MIMEInfo:X-RocketYMMF:X-Mailer:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=acrQZsblEyOG4F30T70kIc7e3Tzkk7Thlemwe4rTAq8p8MClU8Ud6VUHsawz0s4hRMPETkxeXAZTi8WEsQiXsXIPSfkCh0d3jM0IP/K/yVwp+R0Zfm+XuK8zNCMtPdL7bOT5HCXQz+82bvziYW3LK6ypbz7PJptF+q7dKavxP/s=
DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
X-YMail-OSG: RgW82_AVM1lI0qTTCu_ObqOGXL6ZpU.E0XEamE5fi1O5pky
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 07 Feb 2013 17:24:38 GMT
X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 001.001,DQoNCkRlYXIgRnJpZW5kLA0KCg0KCkZyb20gTXJzIFRpbWVyIEphY2sgRG91Z2xhcyxJIGFtIHdyaXRpbmcgd2l0aCBteSBwZXJzb25hbCByZXNwZWN0IHdpdGggcmVnYXJkcyB0byBZb3VyIHJlcG9zZWQgcGVyc29uYWxpdHkgLyBmaXJtIGFzIGEgcmVsaWFibGUsVHJ1c3R3b3J0aHkgYW5kIEdvZCBmZWFyaW5nLiBJIGdvdCB5b3VyIGNvbnRhY3QgVGhyb3VnaCB0aGUgaGVscCBvZiBjaGFtYmVyIG9mIGNvbW1lcmNlIGluIEFiaWRqYW4gdGhlIENhcGl0YWwgb2YgQ09URSBESVZPSVJFLiBJbiBkZWVkIEkgYW0BMAEBAQE-
X-RocketYMMF: al_ahemd06
X-Mailer: YahooMailClassic/15.1.2 YahooMailWebService/
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 17:24:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: timer <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: URgent Reply
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="453340058-378155287-1360257878=:58172"
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Feb 2013 17:24:42.0253 (UTC) FILETIME=[03FD83D0:01CE0558]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Dear Friend,
=0AFrom Mrs Timer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with r=
egards to Your reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God=
fearing. I got your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abi=
djan the Capital of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOU=
GLAS from Sierra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burk=
ina faso as Refugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Ko=
romah s regime in Sierra Leone.
=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldiers to Restore the presidency=
of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my husband was among the 23 exe=
cuted Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my husband) And our stay in Si=
erra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two children decided to move to COTE D=
IVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burkina Faso for our fafety. Due =
to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was forced to Lodge our family =
funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .
=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, because we=
are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises and attend=
s Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to understand my=
request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overseas country=
through your assistance and Directives.
=0AYou will provide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be=
invested on before proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go=
into an Understanding working agreement because our familys Future now dep=
ends on this money. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all d=
eposited and Registered as a family treasures. This was done for Security r=
easons.We would like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assi=
sting Us. we sincerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner =
and overseer of our proposedInvestment in your country.
=0AWe are prepared to send all the documents regarding to This deposit as s=
oon as you show youre immediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your=
telephone and fax numbers.
=0ABest Regards,
=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><br><br>Dear Friend,<br>=0A<br>=0AFrom Mrs Ti=
mer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with regards to Your=
reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God fearing. I go=
t your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abidjan the Capit=
al of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOUGLAS from Sier=
ra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burkina faso as Re=
fugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Koromah s regime=
in Sierra Leone.<br>=0A<br>=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldie=
rs to Restore the presidency of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my =
husband was among the 23 executed Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my=
husband) And our stay in Sierra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two childr=
en decided to move to COTE DIVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burki=
na Faso for our fafety. Due to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was=
forced to Lodge our family funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .<=
br>=0A<br>=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, =
because we are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises =
and attends Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to und=
erstand my request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overse=
as country through your assistance and Directives.<br>=0A<br>=0AYou will pr=
ovide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be invested on b=
efore proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go into an Under=
standing working agreement because our familys Future now depends on this m=
oney. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all deposited and R=
egistered as a family treasures. This was done for Security reasons.We woul=
d like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assisting Us. we s=
incerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner and overseer o=
f our proposedInvestment in your country.<br>=0A<br>=0AWe are prepared to s=
end all the documents regarding to This deposit as soon as you show youre i=
mmediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your telephone and fax numb=
ers.<br>=0A<br>=0ABest Regards,<br>=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas</td></tr></tab=