Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Guiguy Thu Feb 07, 2013 1:58 pm
Authentication-Results: hotmail.com; spf=none (sender IP is [email protected]; dkim=none header.d=voila.fr; x-hmca=none
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Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2013 17:24:38 +0000 (GMT)
From: timer <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: URgent Reply
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="453340058-378155287-1360257878=:58172"
Return-Path: [email protected]
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Feb 2013 17:24:42.0253 (UTC) FILETIME=[03FD83D0:01CE0558]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
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Dear Friend,
=0AFrom Mrs Timer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with r=
egards to Your reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God=
fearing. I got your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abi=
djan the Capital of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOU=
GLAS from Sierra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burk=
ina faso as Refugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Ko=
romah s regime in Sierra Leone.
=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldiers to Restore the presidency=
of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my husband was among the 23 exe=
cuted Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my husband) And our stay in Si=
erra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two children decided to move to COTE D=
IVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burkina Faso for our fafety. Due =
to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was forced to Lodge our family =
funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .
=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, because we=
are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises and attend=
s Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to understand my=
request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overseas country=
through your assistance and Directives.
=0AYou will provide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be=
invested on before proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go=
into an Understanding working agreement because our familys Future now dep=
ends on this money. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all d=
eposited and Registered as a family treasures. This was done for Security r=
easons.We would like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assi=
sting Us. we sincerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner =
and overseer of our proposedInvestment in your country.
=0AWe are prepared to send all the documents regarding to This deposit as s=
oon as you show youre immediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your=
telephone and fax numbers.
=0ABest Regards,
=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;"><br><br>Dear Friend,<br>=0A<br>=0AFrom Mrs Ti=
mer Jack Douglas,I am writing with my personal respect with regards to Your=
reposed personality / firm as a reliable,Trustworthy and God fearing. I go=
t your contact Through the help of chamber of commerce in Abidjan the Capit=
al of COTE DIVOIRE. In deed I am the wife of Late MR KOVO DOUGLAS from Sier=
ra Leone. I and My two children are presently staying in burkina faso as Re=
fugees, my husband was one of the Ministers of Johnny Paul Koromah s regime=
in Sierra Leone.<br>=0A<br>=0ADuring the intervention of the ECOMOG Soldie=
rs to Restore the presidency of Alhaji Tejan KABBAH from Johnny Koroma, my =
husband was among the 23 executed Ministers. As our breadwinner is dead (my=
husband) And our stay in Sierra Leone is no more safe, I and my Two childr=
en decided to move to COTE DIVOIRE a Neighboring African Country like Burki=
na Faso for our fafety. Due to our Status in COTE DIVOIRE as refugees I was=
forced to Lodge our family funds (USD $ 10. 5 million) in finance hause .<=
br>=0A<br>=0AEver since then we have been receiving help from our Mission, =
because we are staying in one of the Visitors villa in the church premises =
and attends Fellowship and worship fully. I hope you will be Touched to und=
erstand my request. We have agreed to invest our money viable in any Overse=
as country through your assistance and Directives.<br>=0A<br>=0AYou will pr=
ovide or look for a lucrative venture where This money can be invested on b=
efore proceeding, we Will get to be more familiar and also go into an Under=
standing working agreement because our familys Future now depends on this m=
oney. The boxes containing The money and treasures were all deposited and R=
egistered as a family treasures. This was done for Security reasons.We woul=
d like to know what you will take as your Percentage for assisting Us. we s=
incerely wish to introduce and make you our Business partner and overseer o=
f our proposedInvestment in your country.<br>=0A<br>=0AWe are prepared to s=
end all the documents regarding to This deposit as soon as you show youre i=
mmediate Response Email. Do not fail to give me Your telephone and fax numb=
ers.<br>=0A<br>=0ABest Regards,<br>=0AMrs Timer Jack Douglas</td></tr></tab=

by jolly_roger Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:26 am
Yes Guiguy it's a tired old scam format. The sender has attempted to forge part of the email header. A legitimate sender would have no need for such folly. One has to wonder why a 'lady' supposedly in a refugee camp is doing so! Your best course of action is to simply ignore the silly tosser, and get on with your life. Pleae don't respond to the scammer otherwise you will be over-run with other scam messages etcetera. When it sees no money coming from you, it will lose interest very quickly.

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