Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by David Jansen Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:38 pm
Scammers are now using the Tahiti earthquake in other scams aswell, apart from their usual charity scams.
IP: Ecuador
Telegraphic Transfer Department:

"Alhaji Ibrahim Hassan Dankwabo." <[email protected]> [Add]

Wed, 24 Feb 2010 1:24 PM (8 hours 13 mins ago)

Telegraphic Transfer Department:

It is my humble obligation to write you this
letter as regards the authorization of your owed payment through our most
respected financial institution CBN, Be informed that your overdue inheritance
funds have been programmed to be paid, via key telex transfer (KTT)-direct wire
transfer to you since 15th of January 2010. But the reasons why the transfer of
this $10.5M has to be delayed is because, there is presently a counter claims
on the fund by one (Mr. Dickson Brown), who claim to be your brother and also
business associate, he is trying to make us believe that you are involve in
Haiti Earthquake disaster.indicate that you're alive by replying this email.

Alhaji Ibrahim Hassan Dankwabo.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.

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