by Douglas54
Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:38 am
This company is a fraud company useing stolen identity from a small firm they are doing the same as may be same poeple.
they are now scamming in Slovakia on a site ... 34---2007/
I have contact but they do nothing to remove the site contact your bank file a Singapoer police report a UK Ploce report and a report in your country, as the money is being redirected from UK to Singapore from Barkeys bank .UK .
the Site was built for them by they also will not close the site
they are now scamming in Slovakia on a site ... 34---2007/
I have contact but they do nothing to remove the site contact your bank file a Singapoer police report a UK Ploce report and a report in your country, as the money is being redirected from UK to Singapore from Barkeys bank .UK .
the Site was built for them by they also will not close the site