Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:23 am
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Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2013 10:36:08 +0000 (GMT)
From: JOHN UDEH <[email protected]>
Subject: YOUR FUND
To: [redacted]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-1236089829-1082284670-1363948568=:13626"

Dear Sir/Madam.

My name is John Udeh newly posted to Nigeria from the international monetary fund United Kingdom to monitor the fraudulent activities of some of the officials at the Central Bank of Nigeria and our United Kingdom office, I have been directed to observe the payment of foreign beneficiaries of contract/inheritance claim fund.

I observed a floating payment in your name here but the payment was designated to:

Bank Name:UBS SA Bank Address:CASE POSTAL 2600.1211
account No. USD:777180.60G Clearing:0240 Bank S W I F
T-BIC:UBSWCHZH80A Iban :CH26 0024 0240 7771 8060G

I decided to contact you because I observed that there is a power of attorney in your file authorizing the transfer of this fund to a Switzerland bank account but the signature in the power of attorney is different from the signature in your file which is suspected to be an illegal attempt to divert the fund to an account in Switzerland. please confirm if you have authorized the transfer of this fund to the Switzerland Bank account as we have authorization to transfer fund to all beneficiaries of fund discounting all charge attached from the sources.

If you have authorized your fund transferred to the above stated bank account, please contact me urgently.

Best Regards,

Mr. John Udeh
Director of Debt Management.
IMF Team

by FishyMails Mon Nov 16, 2020 10:45 pm
From: JOHN UDEH <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 04 Nov 2020 00:13:35 +0000

Dear Sir

We the Human Rights Organization were overwhelmed with compassion
after glancing through some contract file and discovered unnecessary
delays and non payment which they have suffered, because of these; we
called for a meeting with the Federal Government of Nigeria.

After the meeting held between the Federal Government of Nigeria and
the International Human Rights Organization, the Federal Government of
Nigeria has resolved to grant compensation to those who lost their
money through non-payment and through fraudulent means by Nigerian
imposters; in agreement with the International Human Rights

The amount granted is US$3.5m (U.S Dollars) to each corporate body and
US$2m (US Dollars) to an individual. (Not more, not less). If you are
one of those all you have to do is to is to get back to our office and congratulations.

Your only commitment is the affidavit of Claim .It will have to be
filled and registered with the Federal Ministry of Justice to obtain
legal backings and for record. After the release of your compensation
fee, the release of the actual contract sum follows immediately the
next day without you undergoing any further struggle. You are to decide
either to send the affidavit of claim to (C.B.N) or to send an attorney
fee to an attorney here in Nigeria. So that he will file the affidavit
of claim and arrange for the transfer of your fund to you the same day
depending on the time you comply.

Therefore if you’re ready send your physical address, full name, bank
name, and account number where the money will be wired into, you may
decide to open a new bank account for the transfer.

(Yours in service)

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.
by FishyMails Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:57 pm
From: "JOHN UDEH" <[email protected]>
Date: 2020-11-17 9:03:37 AM +00:00

We the Human Rights Organization were overwhelmed with compassion
after glancing through some contract file and discovered unnecessary
delays and non payment which they have suffered, because of these; we
called for a meeting with the Federal Government of Nigeria.

After the meeting held between the Federal Government of Nigeria and
the International Human Rights Organization, the Federal Government of
Nigeria has resolved to grant compensation to those who lost their
money through non-payment and through fraudulent means by Nigerian
imposters; in agreement with the International Human Rights

The amount granted is US$3.5m (U.S Dollars) to each corporate body and
US$2m (US Dollars) to an individual. (Not more, not less). If you are
one of those all you have to do is to is to get back to our office and congratulations.

Your only commitment is the affidavit of Claim .It will have to be
filled and registered with the Federal Ministry of Justice to obtain
legal backings and for record. After the release of your compensation
fee, the release of the actual contract sum follows immediately the
next day without you undergoing any further struggle. You are to decide
either to send the affidavit of claim to (C.B.N) or to send an attorney
fee to an attorney here in Nigeria. So that he will file the affidavit
of claim and arrange for the transfer of your fund to you the same day
depending on the time you comply.

Therefore if you're ready send your physical address, full name, bank
name, and account number where the money will be wired into, you may
decide to open a new bank account for the transfer.

(Yours in service)

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.
by FishyMails Thu Feb 11, 2021 2:04 pm
From: JOHN UDEH <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 2021 20:00:12 +0000

Dear Sir

We the Human Rights Organization were overwhelmed with compassion
after glancing through some contract file and discovered unnecessary
delays and non payment which they have suffered, because of these; we
called for a meeting with the Federal Government of Nigeria.

After the meeting held between the Federal Government of Nigeria and
the International Human Rights Organization, the Federal Government of
Nigeria has resolved to grant compensation to those who lost their
money through non-payment and through fraudulent means by Nigerian
imposters; in agreement with the International Human Rights

The amount granted is US$3.5m (U.S Dollars) to each corporate body and
US$2m (US Dollars) to an individual. (Not more, not less). If you are
one of those all you have to do is to is to get back to our office and congratulations.

Your only commitment is the affidavit of Claim .It will have to be
filled and registered with the Federal Ministry of Justice to obtain
legal backings and for record. After the release of your compensation
fee, the release of the actual contract sum follows immediately the
next day without you undergoing any further struggle. You are to decide
either to send the affidavit of claim to (C.B.N) or to send an attorney
fee to an attorney here in Nigeria. So that he will file the affidavit
of claim and arrange for the transfer of your fund to you the same day
depending on the time you comply.

Therefore if you’re ready send your physical address, full name, bank
name, and account number where the money will be wired into, you may
decide to open a new bank account for the transfer.

(Yours in service)

Important: Any email messages I have posted here are scams. Don't reply to these messages or click on any links. Please do not tell these criminals that their messages are posted here.

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