Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by thesaloniki Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:37 am
Beware any financial deal with any of the above people. The first two are involved in multi million scam through WALL STREET BANK LTD, WSB, TELEVISA HOLDING, WALL STREET BANK PRIVATE BANKING, and other minor at the moment companies. They present investment programs with high return .... but you will only contribute to their next holiday. 257 files in france against them, 15 in Greece at the moment.
OVER 5 MILLION EURO !!! http://www.espressonews.gr/default.a...1&artid=606696
http://translate.google.com/translat...&hl=en&ie=UTF8 in greek and english mention what has happened in greece .
When the heat came and these companies did not bring enough victims, RENE FIGUEIRA LEFT TO COTONOU BENIN TO OPEN NEW WAYS TO SCAM and all together ( RENE FIGUEIRA - STELIOS KOUROUPIDIS - ANNA DIMITRIOU - LINA KATSIMENTE) they opened other companies : WMI - management,
http://www.dsf-finance.com (some friend of Figueira called Daniel Sourdeaux - big crook is involved),
Here the same story. Some sites are temporarily out of order , as many saw our notice. In smoe sites they present them selves to sell products, but somewhere is a link or a flash for investing. Beware the wolves.
The last name is LINA KATSIMENTE. Just write in google any name , or above company to see what is involved. alot more to come.....

District attorneys , lawyers , police, financial police in France as in Greece fortunately are on top of this case. If ANYBODY HAS INFORMATION , please present them.
Thank you.

by Inspector Gadget Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:26 am
I'm a little lost by this warning, is there a bit missing from the top of the message with the scammer's names?

I take it that the list of sites you give are ones they help make their activities look legitimate? if that is the case then action can be taken to have these sites closed down.
If you could clarify these two points I am sure that there are some here who will take up the challenge of shutting the sites down and trying to prevent their recurrence.
by thesaloniki Tue Sep 30, 2008 6:57 am
RENE FIGUEIRA, ANNA DIMITRIOU, LINA (or GARIFALIA) KATSIMENTE and STELIOS KOUROUPIDIS, will assuradely be soon for many days in the first page of greek newspapers. We all know what crooks they are but...... they still manage to escape. It is like shit (sorry). Always floats. I am sure though that greek authorities are watching them and waiting to grab them. At last there is an order from a court case which forbids them to sell any of their property. (Actually others paid for it and they enjoy it). We see that they pretend to be apart between each other ,as over 3 persons in greece it is considered a "gang". They also are trying to blame everything on Figueira. The main question is: Where is our money. Soon they will end up in jail or pay back. Last news places rene in Cotonou / Benin. From there he manages to grab money from unsuspicious clients..... If you see the houses they all have....... Over 1M each. Dimitriou assistant accountant, Katsimente teaches french in public high school (? who knows for how long!!!), Kouroupidis a vet. If anyone has a contact in Cotonou, it would be very appreciated if he/ she could find if an address we have belongs to scammer Figueira. Thank you.

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