Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:05 am
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Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 19:15:37 +0800 (CST)
From: "Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon." <[email protected]>
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Subject: Attention Beneficiary,Payment Notification
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http://www.biblepicturegallery.com/Pict ... o%20ca.htm
Dated 10th April 2013.


I write to notify you officially that after due verification on your payment file, a total of US2.5 million which was originally meant to be released to you through Western Union, Money Gram, a certified bank draft or ATM Card have been converted to a payment via Wire Transfer, since all the previous attempt to pay you through other methods failed. Your total fund is now with the Reserve Bank Of India(RBI), therefore you are advised to contact the Director International Remittance for the transfer update of your fund.

I have tried to reach you on phone severally to no avail before I write this email to update you about the latest situation about your fund total sum of 2.5 million USD. Your fund is in a bond account therefore, I urge you to contact the remittance officer with below information.

Contact Person: Shri Vijay Chugh
Department of Payment and Settlement Systems,
Reserve Bank Of India(RBI).
Email.: [email protected]

It is very important that you contact the Bank now and request for the FUND TRANSFER APPLICATION FORM so that you will fill it out and submit to the Bank for the immediate transfer of your fund into your Bank account. This is an intervention to checkmate the bureaucratic ineptitude and administrative bottleneck most beneficiaries have suffered in the hands of our local bankers and their international allies. Your immediate payment instruction have been forwarded to the Paying Institution (Reserve Bank Of India(RBI)) which was appointed specifically to handle your payment in order to avoid further delay in releasing your payment. .

We are working according to the constitution binding this committee as well as helping the less privilege through this means. You will be required to reach Shri Vijay Chugh via email ( [email protected] )

Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
http://www.biblepicturegallery.com/Pict ... o%20ca.htm

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