by Dolces
Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:32 pm
Is it a scam? Thank you
Hello Greta
Thanks for the quick answer i want you to know that i am very happy to hear
from you again which shows that you are eager to join my family and i
bet you;you wont regret being with my family..I have a very loving
family & will welcome you & make you feel very
welcome and respected in my house.
As a
family we enjoy barbecue (weather permitting), socializing,generally
having fun, reading, computers, TV, My son love computer games and arts
& crafts.
I am seeking an Au Pair who is
honest, reliable, kind & considerate. am happy to provide & pay for an English course for you .
Your Duties Are:
From 7
am - 8:45. Walk my daughter Tara to school and pick her up again at 3:15.
care for her from 3:15 - approx 6:30 including feeding her.
is another great love of ours - given the time I enjoy cooking. we will like to pay you 900 dollars
every month end for salaries and 250 dollars for your pocket fees every
week end.
will have your Private Room which will have Bathroom, Television,
Air-Conditional,Toilet . You will have access to the Internet and a
Telephone at home to get in touch with your friends and loved ones...You
will be having, Saturdays and Sundays as your off days, so to enable
you have enough time for yourself !
Hope To Read Back From You.
Last edited by Bryon Williams on Wed Apr 17, 2013 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added quotation for clarity