Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Reportandie Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:51 am
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Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2013 01:44:35 +0100 (BST)
From: Moses <[email protected]>
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Subject: hello Friend
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hello Friend,
I am Mr Ibrahim Moses I work with ICB Limited here in Accra, Ghana West Africa Sub Region as an accounting officer.
I have just found out that a foreign customer with A/C NO 122-0144-240 deposited the sum of US$4.8million in an Escrow Call Account in our bank. The customer died since May 2007 without leaving a next of kin to his funds and he has no known family.
The bank will return the fund to Federal Government reserve account if it remains unclaimed which will only Favor the Government of Ghana, so I decided to look for a foreigner that will agree to inherit the funds while I prepare grounds for the claim.
I deem it important to assure you that this transfer of fund is legal and genuine and will be carried out officially too. The claim itself is overdue and will be given prompt attention by the bank upon your payment request while I’ll give you exclusive details and support from here.
I am ready to give you 30% of the funds for your support and I also guarantee the safety of your name and details.
I'll furnish you with more details upon getting your immediate response to my private email address: [email protected]
hank you.
Ibrahim Moses

by Reportandie Sun May 12, 2013 11:26 pm
[email protected]
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