Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by hurt Sat Mar 13, 2010 3:55 am
please please dont get sucked in like i did, this guy appears and sounds the real thing, has similarities to the mark smith case, i read it and felt like i was reading my messages from this garret douglas. he is saying he is a 42yo scottish man, lives in north carolina, and has travellled to the uk (during us speaking for a couple of days) for a road construction project, a civil engineer consultant - his own business, he has two kids 6 + 7 girl and boy Jason and sharon, and has photos to match, very happy shots of the 3 of them, i feel for him for 3 weeks now! he said his wife died in a "ghastly and tragic car accident 3years ago" and i believed everything, we've written messages and emails in the 100's of pages, until last nite he said that the company who hired him deposited a huge amount of money into his bank and the bank has held his account and that could i transfer $1800 through the western credit union, my heart sunk, i felt sick instantly! i told him i couldnt and he is still trying!
so today i rang him and said (lied) that the only way i could help him was to come over to the UK, and give him help face to face so i needed the address of the hotel! well he became very flustered and confused! so i am awaiting the email with the info! this is a scam right? he met me on match.com and emailed me direct! if this is a scam he is very good, because i dont think i am gullible but he sucked me in emotionally, thank god not financially! the only thing is now i feel he will use the photos of me and my kids as another scam??? what can i do????

by The Enchantress Sat Mar 13, 2010 4:08 am
Welcome to Scamwarners hurt.

I am sorry you have been hurt and deceived.

This is a definite scam - on no account send him money.

Edit to add mail address used by this scammer - [email protected]

Everything he has told you is a lie. Please cease all contact.

This guide is useful http://www.scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3607

Could you please post his mail address and other details - this will alert and warn others.

He may well not use the photographs, but please be more cautious in future when online.

If you have any questions or concerns please post - we will help you all we can
Last edited by The Enchantress on Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Ralph Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:17 am
Hi Hurt

I have sent you my email address in PM, please feel free to send me anything that may help others.

In regards to your pictures, while it is not ideal that you have sent your pictures, it isn't the end of the world either.

Generally, when a scammer picks out pictures to use with his Female identity, he will want pictures of a more attractive girl, generally no older than 30 and they will not normally want to have children with that identity.

A mix of pictures, some with skimpy clothing will be prefered.

If you happen to have provided pictures that fall into that category, then they may be used but then there sre so many pictures available to scammers that chances are they will not use yours
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:57 am
The scammer is using the following stolen pictures;




by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:03 am
The scammer will provide this Uk redirect number +447011128392 and will happily talk to his victims on the phone, if you happen to notice his unusual accent, he is doing his best to hide it but will have some excuse, they all do.

While this scammer prefers to use chat, he will send you some emails;

Dear removed

I love you. I love every little thing about you.

I can't stop thinking about you . I need you by my side. You complete me. You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

You are the one I've always wished for. I never thought that I would ever meet someone as special as you. I love each and every moment I share with you.

Love Always,

Dearest Removed

I want you to know how much I love you. You mean so much to me and I want so much to make you as happy as you make me.

Each passing day has me falling more in love with you. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me.

Most of the time you don't even realize it. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you.

You have given me a new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure our love and keep it safe. I love you, Baby. Here is the picture for you my love. Sharon and Jason are also saying hi to you. I love you.

Love Always,

My Dearest Removed

I was about calling you but i always arrive in the hotel room from work whenever you are asleep because of the time difference. I dont want to disturb your sleep,i just want to express my unconditional love to you through this mail.

You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. Something that I hadn't felt in a very long time.

We both knew our friendship would grow right from the very first day we spoke. But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand.

We need to be together, we are never apart. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, my love.

Love Always
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:45 am
As with most love scammers, they will have prewritten scripts that they will paste into their chats, below are parts of his chat;
i have been thinking of you so much
How are you today my dear?

Sometimes you may pick up some unusual language used,
i went to the working site
i just came back to the hotel room

There is always a problem, this time he starts with his tractor
I am sorry dear
is just that i am having some problem here with my tractor

Those who do know about construction would know that it is uncommon to need a tractor on a building site
i have not been able to work since yesterday at working site, i need to hire more tractors for effecient work at the site

Now he has a large amount of money that he cant access, another common lie
some certain huge amount of money was transfered to my account, due to this,my account is on hold for two weeks, i have not been able to get access to my accpunt to withdraw cash and i am the one sponsoring the project till after i complete the project

now he is trying to gain some sympathy from his victim
i have been very down because of this situation

Then he tells how he will have lots of money soon, this will lead him to tell you that he will repay any money you send
Actually i was not expecting the company that was owing me to transfer all the money to my account at thesame time, i thought they will transfer the money to my account instalmentally but they didnt,
Yes , the bank says it will take two weeks before they can reactivate for the account for withdrawal

Now more excuses to try to back up his lies
The thought of you have been running through my head, i wish you are right here, you would have been able to make me happy and forget about the situation
The money was transfered to the account from another country and there is a certain amount which must be transfered in such manner because its domicillary account
Most time they always put hold on account for more investigation about money laundering

Now he is turning to telling his victim how much he loves her, another common thing for them when they begin to ask for money
You make me happy and i know you will make me more happy when we are finally together
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:53 am
You mean so much
You make me have confident in you with your words to me

i am worried because there is no tractor to do some certain work at the site and its slowing down the mechanism of other aspect of the project
i need to hire another tractors as soon as possible and i dont have the complete cash to do that athe moment
i wish i can get your help to complete the cash for hiring another tractor at the moment, pending the time my account will be reactivated by the bank

Now the inevitable situation where he needs to borrow some money and you are the only person who is able to help him
He was able to assist me with some money two days ago
at thesame time is not in Beligium now, he also travelled to Germany for vist with his family
can you be of any assistant to me sweetie pending the time my account will be recativated
I am very worried about the situation

More lies and not at all how a construction site actually works
I need just 1800 dollars to complete the money for hiring other tractors at the moment
it because this is an individual project, is not a governmental project that s why i sponsor the project till after i complete the project before they can pay me off

Another lie, he wants his victim to worry as much as possible to increase his chances of getting money
I dont want to get you worried about this sweetie

Now he tells his victim how reluctant he is to ask for money
I did not want to get you informed about it but its just that i cant hide my feelings for you anymore
dont be worried about this honey, i do understand you
what are you doing dear

When the answer is not as fast as he likes;
what are you thinking of honey?

Dont worry about me, I am worried, again, trying to make out that he doesn't want his victim to be concerned but at teh same time making sure she is
dont be worried pls
i am very worried here because i cant continue working effeiectly at the working site now
i wish you could assist me with what that you have at the moment

After receiving an answer that is not to his liking he tries to make his victim feel bad when she does not agree to send him money
i cant understand your statement
are you doubting my feelings for you or what?
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:05 am
Now telling his victim how much he trusts her, trust is a very important aspect in all scams so the scammer will often tell his victim how much he trusts his victim and hoping the victim will return that trust
I have been very real to you babe, i cant doubt your feelings for me and my kids
I am open to you, my heart longs for you that is why i am telling my present situation
I promise never to hurt you in my life, i want the best for me and you with all our kids

Again, reinforcing trust
i have been very open to you, i try to tell you everything about my life because i dont want anything to be strange to you when we are finally together
i will keep you safe with all our kids
All i want is your understand with me, we have better days ahead together all our life

The scammer tells his victim that she shouldn't have doubts, of course she should, a person she has never met want a large amount of money sent, it would be no different to asking a complete stranger who's face is hidden to hold your purse full of money while you sleep, you simply should not do it
i do love love you and i understand you as well
i know there will be element of doubt because of different cases we had on internet but our case can never be like that
i love you, i want to love you all my life and have a happy family with you and our kids

Realising he doesn't look like getting the full $1,800, he tries to get a small amount
It will cost me more and more time and all staying here and wasting more time on the project
i have certain time that i am expected to comeplete the project so that i can be able to get paid for it and travel to meet you
i wish you can assist me with any amount

Now he is trying to explain why he doesn't have any of the things you would expect from a large construction company
I get job from other people that i worked for
they do introduce my potentials to other so they contact me if they need me for any project ,but ia m working on the website maybe when i finally relocated to (victims country of origin) i can get my address for my new office in (victims country of origin)

Now back to understanding and trust
i really need your understanding so that we can be able to build more trust for ourself

Telling their victims they are going to live with them once the project is complet is another lie
i really want to be together with you sweetie
I just want you to be next to me so that i can tell more how much you mean to me in my life

More loving words to get his victim to love him enough to send money
Yes i understand you my love
My heart longs for you
I want you to feel my touch all over you
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:14 am
Trying to establish the love angle in order to gain more trust
Yes i will feel you in my arms when we are together
The strong feelings that i have for you makes me have confident in falling more and more in love with you

Now understanding, love and trust
I just want you to work with me as a team
i want your understanding so that we can have the best for ourself
i cant hide my feelings to you, because i choose not to hide myself to my love
a plain heart enjoys the goodnes of love

Promising he is true, why would a scammer come out and tell you they are thieving scum, it is much easier to lie
i am true to you sweetie
I have fallen for you too, my unconditional feelings for you is very strong
You came to my life the right time that i need someone to love and to love me

After pouring his heart out about his problems, he doesn't want his victim to bother - of course he does
Yes i will be worried about you at all time
i dont want you to be bother with anything

i will make you happy all our life
My greatest joy is to see you sleep and wake up in my arms

dont feel bad sweetie
i just want us to get over this

i am just worried about the proejct because i have planned ahead for our visit

i will hold you in my arms

i will hold you very tight in my arms always
I will give you the best of myself
my heart longs for you so much

most time when i want to call you it falls in the middle of the night and i dont want to disturb your sleep
i explained to you in my mail
the time different is causing this
i need to know from you the best time to call you
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:07 am
Scammers love to talk on the phone, they believe that is will move their scam along even faster and help their victim to love them even more, here he is explaining the benefits of providing a phone number
most time, i long to hear your voice but i cant hear, now i know i can reach you at anytime of the day
last night i was so worried , and i thought of calling you to make me happy but it was late for you so i decided to cut offo the phone so that you will not be disturbed

The scammer provides his redirect phone number, these are insanely expensive to call

While insisting his phone is always turned on he makes excuses for when it is turned off
my phone is always on, i dont swicth off my phone, maybe its always bad network
i dont have specific time that i go to bed here, it all depends on the state of my body after work

The person in charge of a large project does not drive the tractor and as far as measuring out, well, that isn't going to happen either
mostly i do supervise, its not an easy work because i have to make sure all the dimensioning and measurment are right to avoid wrong measurement
i can operate the tractors myself but i employed casual tractor operators to do that for me so that i will not get exhausted

Writing about his kids, sick and injured kids are a favourite for getting sympathy
i sent some of her recent pictures to you with Jason, she 's now better and looking very ok

yes she was sick sometimes ago before we met

she plays alot, she fell from the top of the table when i was not at home so she got hersef injurred
that made her so weak and restless for about two weeks before she got herself back

the nanny was in the kitchen and i went to work
so it was the nanny that rished her to the hospital before i came in

They are doing fine, the nanny is trying her best for them , they never complained about the nanny anymore
their birthday this year will be wonderful

And now about himself, they will often make their birthday in the not too distant future in the hope of a birthday present
my birthday
May 31st

Now back to the understanding and trust
I also believe we r meant to be together
All we need is understand and trust each other for better future together
I have given up my love for you, i want to fall more and more in love with you
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:26 am
Its quite amazing how often it is for African scammers to add an extra "R" in some words, Chart is another one rather than chat, now we have compertible
we are compartible together
i keep fallen for you

More loving words means he wont be far away from another attempt at money
I have confident in this relationship for better for worse
i just want to build a happy family with you and all our kids
make them happy and show them good fatherly care at all times
that is why i believe we are compartible and meant to love each other

The scammer understands his victim - again
i do understand you my dear
we have to go through up and dow but the ability to overcome them makes what we are

and he believes her
i believe you dear

But does he trust her
i will put you in my heart forever

And no back to his problem of needing money
so what can do to help me our this mes at the moment about my project

what can you raise for me so that i can hire the tractor as soon as possible

He could always do what most construction sites do, get workers in do do the work and pay their monthly invoice :wink:
Of course, that wouldn't work in his scam

Now he is not pushy and wants his victim to understand, he said he understands here so many times after all, its only fair
i am not trying to be pushy but i just want you to understand me in this aspect
they put hold not frozen
if they froze your account you will not be able to get access to your account anymore

Sometimes, their lies will make absolutely no sense, so he will ask for understanding again
but mine is hold and it will be recativated after two weeks
i cant access the account at all because its on hold
try to understand me honey

You can not be able to access any account that is on hold

Now comes to all too familiar Western Union, he wants money sent by Western union so he can remain completely anonymous, Western Union is favoured by scammers worldwide, if anybody ever tells you that you should send them money by Western Union, presume it is a scam and 99% of the time you will be right, that one percent will be when it is your immediate family member
its through western union money transfer
You can as well transfer any cash to me here through western union money transfer
you will just send it to my name and i will pick it up at any of their outlet here with the payment information you will give to me after you make the transfer

They do understand Western Union all too well, unfortunately they can become quite experts at the workings of "WU", unfortunate because their practice comes from receiving money from their victims

Reinforcing the fact he has nobody else to help him
as i am the only child, i dont have any close relationship with them anymore because i lost my parent long time ago

More about trust and love and other assorted lies
You know there different kind of friends, the only friend that we are very close and that can assist me in terms of anything is my friend in Belgium
his on a trip to Germany with his family to see his inlaws
he was able to assist me with some money as i told you before
i will be very glad and appreciate your assistant at this moment
this is all about trust, just have my trust and i will never dissapoint you
I believe we are meant to beloved by each other, my love for you is unconditional
by Ralph Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:32 am
He cant possible ask the bank to release his money or give him an overdraft so he will need more understanding
they have given me the final answer, i dont need to keep wasting my time persisting them on what i know they will never agree to
they have already given me their words and quote the reason to me, its the bank policy which can not be changed because of me
i just need your understanding in this regards
You need to keep making me feel worried if you actually wish to assist me to solve this problem
i will be very happy if you can solve this with me so that i can continue with my project effieciently

And to be fair, he understands his victim
Yes i understand you , i will make it up to you
I have thought of so many things, is just that you are the only one that can be of that assistant to me now so that i will not go through more hard times with this

I would bet anything that once this problem is fixed with money, another problem needing more money will be just around the corner

We should be positive and you should send me money, BTW, I trust you;
We should be positive even when we are having problem, that is how to overcome
Just do your best to assist me
I put my hope in you
I put my trust in you as well

More loving words while his victim is considering sending money
I feel you with me always,
You are my soulmate
I just want my love for you to flourish forever with happiness and joy

And one last parting line to reinforce what he has wanted all along
I will leave you to go to bed because i dont want you to have sleepless night, but dont make me feel you are going to bed because of what we are discussing, i just need you to assist me on time so that i can think straight here

His victim's money

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