Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by John Bench Wed May 22, 2013 12:56 pm
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The Holy Bible says “…come over to Macedonia and help us…” Acts 16:9

In the name of the most high God, our make and provider, I bring to you greetings from the parsonage of the God’s Covenant Church in Monrovia, Liberia.
Due to the long outbreak of war in the country which affected our town, we lost our well-built place of worship, alongside the priests’ homes, schools, and orphanage Centre, in Monrovia.
Now that the storm had calmed, we have for over 2years now, embarked on the restructuring and reconstruction of the whole structures that were destroyed in order to make again a befitting place for God’s worship and service to humanity. But it seems that we still have a long way to go.
We therefore gladly appeal for your genuine benevolence which had been part of you every time the children of God call on you for help.
We are seeking help outside our milieu in order to increase our fund raising up to the target.
The local members and friends are doing marvelously well as the Lord had provided for them.
We shall not relent in praying for you as we know the good LORD hears and HE made every condition for a purpose.
Please do not be alarmed about how we got your contact but be rest assured that the Lord can do all things.
If this request meets your kindness, please indicate your interest as we would be very glad to guide you on how to help in doing God’s work in Monrovia.
The Holy Bible says “…come over to Macedonia and help us…” Acts 16:9
God bless!
Dr. (Mrs.) Pearl Ikeri
General Secretary,
Rebuilding and Funding Committee
[email protected]

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