Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terrytlc040 Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:13 am
Hi, Everyone I just joined this site yesterday! I have been taken by a few individuals in the past. My story starts back in 2002 when I excepted a cashiers check for 5,000USD to sell a commercial vehical. I did not send anyone any money but I did take the check and deposit it and use a bit of it and then I was into my bank for the money.

There are alot of people out there even in the states that will take you for every penny they can get.
ANY email you receive for money upfront or fees to be paid upfront to gain access to large amounts of money is a SCAM.
I have rolled through a few of these and nothing ever came of them but now these people are using my full name and address to scam others. So even if you give them your name they will write bad checks to individuals in your name.
So PLEASE be very careful whom you talk to and whom you give any information to.
This is just a bit of advice from someone who has been there. Thanks for listening and just watch out.

by benjamin Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:56 pm
Hi terrytlc040 and welcome :)

Thanks very much for sharing your story and sorry to you hear you got caught.
ANY email you receive for money upfront or fees to be paid upfront to gain access to large amounts of money is a SCAM.

That just about sums scams up.

I think the problem is a lot of people just aren't aware of fake checks and the damage they can do to the people who bank them, and also the danger of giving out your identity.
You're not alone, terry, there are many people who have given out ID cards or passport scans and now find the scammers are using their name to scam others - and once it happens, there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
PLEASE be very careful whom you talk to and whom you give any information to

is very good advice.

But, it's good to have you here spreading the word :D
Don't forget to post any scam emails you have :wink:

by Ted Baker Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:53 pm
Hi Terry

Glad to see you popped in.

One of the biggest problems with scams is working out where the criminal is operating from. They often claim to be based in one country but in reality they are thousands of miles away. Getting an email address that looks like you are in a specific country, or even a particular occupation is the easiest thing in the world. Unfortunately the freedom of the Internet makes it all too easy for these criminals.

Your name and other details, such as bank accounts means that these guys can create very realistic ID's and even checks to con others with.

Posting on sites where you want to sell something, or buy something, or even advertise a business, seems a sound business practice, but in this day and age, the criminals thrive on just that sort of information. Even the innocent looking guestbook that people love to sign to show appreciation for a website is a source of contacts for the scammer.

Anyway, take care and make sure your details are safe.

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