by Norman Barlleo
Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:13 am
Reply to address: [email protected]
The Manager
Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago(Petrotrin)
Trinidad, West Indies
Dear Sir,
I consider the innermost drive in me, usually propels by unseen and rather, benevolent forces inspired me to contact you. But nevertheless, I am sorry for the necessity to write you and to become maybe bothersome.
I believed in your ability to prosecute a transaction of great magnitude of this kind and I knew you wouldn't disappoint me; nevertheless, my aim was not to instigate you to become a conspirator in crime, as you may imagine? I assure you safety and genuine legal processing of this transaction.
I wonder if you could consider writing me again.
Best regards,
Manager Petrotrin
DON'T tell the scammer that you found him in this site. Just cease all communications with him and move on.