Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ryan Hains Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:37 pm
Anita Johnson
[email protected]>
reply-to [email protected]

IP Cote D'Ivoire (Abidjan)


Good day,

it is with a great measure of consideration and confidence that i am writing this letter of acquintance to you. I am Mrs Anita Johnson ,the wife of late Mr David Johnson a civil rights activist and wealthy Gold merchant in the Republic of Congo.

My late husband ran a prosperous partnership company but met his ultimely death as a result of liver poisoning suspected to be the handiwork of his business partners.This has been proven as various kidnap attempts have been made against my children but the truly intervention of the police has always made it possible.We are living in fear in our own country.

The incessant trials on i and my children lives by my late husband's associates was as a result of my husband wealth, having deposited the sum of USD8,500,000 million dollars in one of the security companies in San Pedro-Cote d'ivoire.And the relevant document concerning the fund was handed to me by my husband before his death,viz. certificate of deposit which in effect is bound for transfer for investment with foreign investor.

These life threatening situations has cause us to relocate to Coted'ivoire to look for a foreign partner who can help us clear the consignment box from the security company. I have prayed and fasted for 7 days asking God to bring me a reliable person whom i can entrust this money for investment purposes, and the almighty God has chosen you as my future partner and adviser in whatever business you may choose.

Please help me out as life has become unbearable for us and my children, we live outside our country and we have lost our home, business and investments, we even go without food most times as feeding is difficult,right now one of my kids in having complication as a result of the toxic waste dump in San Pedro-Cote d'ivoire and have no money for him treatment and medication and our entire hope is on that money in the security company.And this is why your assistance in needed.I am desirious of having my affairs in the hands of a honest and trustworthy person. Kindly reply me Immediately upon receipt of this message so that i can feed you with more information and modality of this operation.


Anita Johnson.


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