Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:50 am
From Dr. Mansur Muhtar Thu Apr 8 09:44:19 2010
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Presidential Unit on Monetary Matters
Federal Ministry of Finance
Head of Department Unit Dr. M. Muhtar
Federal Capital Territory Abuja Nigeria.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +234-1-2146868


I am Dr. Mansur Muhtar, Minister Of Finance Federal Republic of Nigeria. I am delighted to inform you that the contract panel which just concluded it Seating in Abuja just released your name amongst contractors to benefit from The Diplomatic Immunity Payment. This Panel was primarily delegated to Investigate manipulated contract claims, contracts and over-invoiced payment As the effect has eaten deep into the economy of our dear country. However, We wish to bring to your notice that your contract profile is still Reflecting in our central computer as unpaid contractor while auditing was Going on.

Your contract file was forwarded to my office by the auditors as unclaimed fund, we wish to use this medium to inform you that for the time being Federal Government of Nigeria have stopped further payment through bank to bank transfer due to contractors numerous petitions to United Nations against Nigeria on wrong payment and diversion of contract funds to different accounts. In this regards, we are going to send your contract part payment of $4.5 Million USD. To you via our accredited shipping company and I have secured every needed documents to cover the money while the diplomat will get it delivered to you right in your door step.

Note: The money is coming on Metal Trunk Box weighing approximately 110kg. The boxes are sealed with synthetic nylon seal and padded with machine. Please you don't have to worry for anything as the transaction is 100% risk Free. The boxes are coming with a Diplomatic agent who will accompany the Boxes to your house address. All communication must be held extremely Confidential. Provide these information further proceedings.

1. Your full name:
2. Phone and fax number:
3. Address where your metal trunk box will be direct to:
4. Your age and current occupation:
5. Attach copy of your identification:

I look forward to your rapid response.

Dr. Mansur Muhtar
Minister of Finance Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Phone: +234-1-2146868
Email: [email protected]

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