Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by ZapHod Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:29 am
I got a scammer wanting me to send money through Western Union for an apartment in central London, to a friend of mine, and then send him a copy of the receipt.

He sent me a copy of a passport. I've been in contact with the real person, whom got his identity stolen 6 weeks ago.

I've just filed a report to the Metropolitan Police, and they will pass it on to some department etc... Doesn't really feel like somethings going to happen. Any tips?

What would happen if I send a fake Western Union-receipt to the scammer?

I'll publish the name soon, just going to check with the real guy first.


by Crispy Duck Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:37 am
welcome, ZapHod :D

What would happen if I send a fake Western Union-receipt to the scammer?

That is called "baiting" & the best advice is to visit our sister site, 419eater.com, where you will find lots of people who will give you excellent advice on that (& other time wasting things to do to your scammer). ;)
by Breakwind Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:59 am
I would drop him. Do NOT bait him because he has real information on your friend. Unfortunately I don't think that the police will be able to do much if anything at all. Just break contact with the scammer. If you do decide to bait him, do like Crispy Duck says, and visit 419eater.com , just remember to setup a NEW email without ANY information that is about you. NEVER use a personal email, or anything that can give the scammer any real details about yourself.

Again, do visit 419eater.com and they can give you very good advice on how to bait him, and bait him SAFELY.

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