Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by DonnyBman Tue Apr 13, 2010 8:41 am
Hi Folks
I am new here and wanted some input into a scam several are trying to get over on me

1 I have posted a Room for rent on craigslist.
2. I get several answers from over seas that on the surface "could" be legit but they are not
3. What it boils down to is they want to send me a check for the rent/deposit and extra
4. I am to wire the remaining to a travel place for their travel expenses
5 Afterwards I am sure the check will go Flooey

How i have been stopping them is once they ask for any personel info I send
Before we can procede any further we must clear a single point

No checks are accepted for this transaction unless they are drawn on a US based bank that has a branch in our area, or certified funds in the form of a certified check from a US bank/financial institution or US postal money order.
The funds will be held for a total of 90 days for secutrity reasons prior to any dispursal. Should this delay your travel time please have your payor issue seperate funds for travel etc.
As I am sure your aware several scams of this nature have surfaced and this is meerly a security precaution
I will also need your contact information including
1. Telephone number
2. Current Address
3. Current Landlords contact information including telephone number Please note that any +44 70 numbers are not acceptable

I send this I hear nothing more .....scam caught

Please feel free to use (AND FOLLOW) this hope it helps someone

by Dotti Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:28 am

This is a standard overpayment scam, and scammers generally try it with items for sale as well as property/housing ads.

I'm glad you have had success with this approach, but be aware that we do see scammers that use forged or altered postal money orders instead of checks, and some may very well be using forged checks from a local bank. Others will use bank transfer or paypal to do the same type of thing.

It is generally simpler to declare that overpayments will not be accepted, and that under no circumstances will money will be transferred to any party by wire transfer, bank transfer, or paypal. You also want to establish either a "no refunds" policy, or indicate that checks will be held for 90 days, and refunds will only be issued by check.

I have a similar written "donation policy" for my nonprofit that I send out to every dodgy looking donation offer (another prime target for overpayment scams), and I will agree it does help tremendously to do that, as only the must stubborn or clueless scammers will attempt after reading it.

Your contact info request will weed out many scammers, but be aware that some will have ways to get past that one too.

Need to post photos? http://scamwarners.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by DonnyBman Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:48 pm
Thanks Dotti

1 I fully expected that any instrument I recieve would be forged stolen bad in some way shape or form hence the request for a "local" bank ( I don't want to travel yes I can be lazy LOL ) I'm hoping that any instrument and envelope it was sent in will be helpful to authorities in back tracking these fools

You said "Your contact info request will weed out many scammers, but be aware that some will have ways to get past that one too."

Any suggestions here?????

As far as refunds go I like that idea and will set that up on my next reply and will post the revisions.

Thanks Again :)
by DonnyBman Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:31 pm
Well the spam for scam keeps comming in all shapes and sizes

I have found a good way to shut them down quickly I reply with

All prices and details are in the ad

Please fill out sign scan and return the attached application for considerationOnce complete we can move forward with all other questions/requests


I send a standard rental application with the following on the bottom:

I authorize the verification of the information provided on this form as to my credit and employment. I have received a copy of this application.

Signature of applicant:

Signature of co-applicant:

By signing this application you agree that all monies remitted will be applied to rent and deposit only. Any additional monies remitted are considered prepayment of rent, Any request for refunds prior to conception of the lease must be in writing and require 180 day delay prior to remittance and will be made in check only. All remittances must be drawn on a US bank or US postal money order only

I rarely hear back.....I wonder why????? LOL
by Ralph Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:56 pm
Hi Donny,

Interesting way of weeding them out, just be careful because it will not weed out all of them, they dont particularly care about filling in forms and if they sign to say they will do something, that doesn't mean they will.

In almost all cases yes, I agree, they would read it and move on to an easier target, some will not give up that easily :wink:

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