Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Breakwind Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:16 pm
From MR CHARLES ANTHONY Wed Apr 14 17:11:23 2010
X-Apparently-To: <snip> via; Wed, 14 Apr 2010 10:11:36 -0700
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From: "MR CHARLES ANTHONY" <[email protected]>
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To: <snip>
Subject: HELP
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:41:23 -0430
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Greetings to you all. I am Miss hellen anthony. I am 27 of age and i am a native of Mexico in North American coontinent. i am living in the city of Tenosique de pinosuarez in Tabasco State. I am the only daughter of late Engr.Stanly Fisch who was working with CAT highy way construction company in United Kingdom.

it is a thing of sad memory that i and my younger brother who is Michael by name are orghpans. my parents died of plane crash on14th may 2000 which is ten years back.I here by ingrave your indulgence. i am surfering from cancer on my right chick of my face, which i have been on sevier pain for the past four years.Due to the cost which was involved since the starting of my problem, My husband divoiced me to die on this health problem.

But i am alife today due to the grace of the almighty Father in heven. I think i am not of any where or any manner to anioy you or disturb you. Please if any i ask for forgiveness.All ye generouse in mind and of heart i need a help from you people. The reason for this is to help me complitte the bill which was made to me for my surgical operation. the amount is $670,000 USD. this money is too much for me to afford and i have try my possible best to raise a little from some firms where i posted a letter to for help. And it is not yet complitted, truely speaking i am on a sevier pain i wish to have a releave. My prayer is that God will enrich you more and more.

your immidiate and quick reponse to my mail is highly needed.
My Regard
miss hellen anthony,
Last edited by Breakwind on Tue May 04, 2010 11:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

by Breakwind Tue May 04, 2010 11:25 am
A completely different script, only thing is that the email addy is the same:
[email protected]

From MR CHARLES ANTHONY Tue May 4 09:32:08 2010
X-Apparently-To: <snip> via; Tue, 04 May 2010 02:32:11 -0700
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From: "MR CHARLES ANTHONY" <[email protected]>
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Subject: Hello, compliments,
Date: Tue, 4 May 2010 05:02:08 -0430
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Hello, compliments,
I am Dr charles anthony, manager auditing & accounting section Bank of Africa,in nigeria. I got your e-mail address in international directory as i was looking for oversea contact. It's my urgent need for a foreign partner that made me to contact you for this business which involves transfer of huge sum of money to a foreign account. I need your urgent assistance in transferring the sum of ($11.5 million USD) into your account.

I need a foreign partner who will support me because i cannot claim this money without a foreign partner since the deceased client (the owner of the fund) was a foreigner. For more information view http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/ hi/europe/859479.stm . This fund ($11.5 million USD) will be shared between us in the ratio of 60/40. I agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as a respect to the provision of a foriegn account while 60% will be for me and I want to assure you that this transaction is absolutely legal and risk free since i works in this bank and i have all the necessary information that might be needed. Before we proceed, i would like to know your ability to handle this over there in your country. Please tell me more about the political/economic stability/monetary policy of your country. I need to know all these because i don't want to have problem with the Government of your country.

Kindly update me with the following info because i will want to know you more before we proceed on this transaction. Hope you will understand the importance of this request.
1. Your full name........................
2. Your age/sex ..........................
3. your occupation ................
4. Your residencial/Postal address ..................
5. Country of origin/nationality ..............
6. Your private phone number ..................
7. Your fax number ...................
I will be waiting for your urgent response to my private E-mail: [email protected]
T hanks,
Dr charles anthony,

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